Wednesday 6 April 2011

Conmen and CoIntelpro Part V

“What is even more remarkable however, after an investigation by The Times, is that just ten years ago Christian Bailey, whose US company is under investigation for planting fake news stories in Iraqi newspapers, was a nerdy, socially awkward English school-leaver called Jozefowicz,” 
-  Patrick Foster and Tim Reid reported in the UK's Times Online December 24, 2005.

Black, Bailey and Burson-Marsteller

When Christine Dolan and the Global Coalition to End Human Trafficking NOW was reported to the United State Attorney General’s office in Washington DC for charity fraud, it was then that Phillip Kronzer began to receive abusive emails from a Norway based email service, bearing in mind that the original registered address of Dolan’s tsunami drive on her website was in Stavanger, Norway.

The emails accused Kronzer of being a child molester, sexual deviant, and cross dresser. 1 Defamation and slander actions were the result. In November 2004, The Global Coalition to End Human Trafficking NOW (www.endhumantraffickingnow.org) was launched with the powerful lobbyist Charlie Black as Chairman.  Still further evidence that Dolan was in up to her neck and/or way over her head. Jeffrey Pickett, Patrick Roddy and Denise Marhoeffer associates of IHCAEC also clambered aboard a soon to be sinking ship. 

By May 2005 Charlie Black had been served a lawsuit as acting Chairman of Dolan’s front charity. By this time Dolan was desperate and telephoned:
…James Rothstein, a researcher associated at times with the Kronzer Foundation, and stated that she knew Phillip Kronzer had “made all the anthrax threats” which referred to a number of serious felonies that involved the confirmed mailing of anthrax threats with white powder in 2003 to the Los Gatos and Campbell, California police department and an individual, Frank McCaffrey of San Jose, California which were investigated by the FBI and Postal Inspection Service. 2
This brings us back to Charlie Black who had obviously agreed to be Chairman of GCEHTN for a reason other than a sudden flowering conscience for humanity. Yet another company that has some extremely sticky fingers all over the military-industrial complex is Black’s lobbying firm BKSH which according to its website professes to be: “the name of leading-edge government relations consultancy for the 21st century. Created by the world's largest communications agency, Burson-Marsteller, it enables clients to mount US, pan-European and transatlantic campaigns. Wherever in the world BKSH operates, clients can rely on the same commitment: the promise of efficiency, effectiveness and excellence.” 

Although the archives are missing from May to July which may or may not be one indication of Black’s lawsuit difficulties, BKSH and Burson-Marsteller is without doubt – along with their heavy Brussels connections – a large cog in the neo-con mode of global exploitation. On their United States commentary: “The company has strong working relationships with the decision makers and opinion leaders in Washington - from Congress to the White House, from the State Department to the Pentagon, from national associations to the National Press Club.

As a member of the Burson-Marsteller family, BKSH & Associates can work with decision makers in all 50 states and around the world.” This is euphemistic way of saying that these “strong working relationships” direct government and media towards literal covert or black operations  which go way beyond mere lobbying and political gaming. “I feel the best way I can serve is by helping to elect the right people to public office.”3   And we are in doubt who Black considers to be the right people.

Surfacing from the University of Florida, a state that has become a veritable den of thieves regarding neo-conservative strategy, he served as senior advisor to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush; as a principal public spokesman for President Bush in the 1992 presidential campaign and also for the Bush/Cheney cabal in 2000 as volunteer political advisor and surrogate spokesman. 

He is an experienced attorney, a member of the North Carolina Bar, he managed the successful elections of more than ten members of the US Senate and a dozen Members of Congress; a political consultant to US Senators Jesse Helms, Robert Dole, Phil Gramm and Dave Durenberger and as political director of the Republican National Committee under Chairman Bill Brock. He also serves as the principal legislative and public affairs advisor to several Fortune 500 companies and trade associations. Not content with this schedule he finds time to serve on the boards of directors of the American Conservative Union, the Fund for American Studies, the US Air Force Academy Foundation and The Mills Corporation. All of which have decidedly spurious histories, though they pale in comparison to Burson-Marsteller and the Lincoln group. 

One of the world’s largest PR firms is run by Richard Mintz, who ran the media shop at the Department of Transportation during the Clinton administration. It has offices has 46 wholly owned offices as well as another 46 affiliates companies in 52 countries. It has world-wide revenue of over $303m. BM decided it would be prudent not to publish its client list anymore just in case its total lack of scruples proved a financial impediment. Viewing its list from 2002, it is not difficult to see why. 

They have made enormous profits by offering their services to some of the most potent ruiners of the social and ecological fabric of our planet such as the infamous Monsanto, the Bush/Cheney election farce, British Gas, BP Chemicals, British Nuclear Fuels, Chevron, Citicorp, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, Deutsche Telecom, General Electric, Glaxo, ICI, Johnson & Johnson, ICN Pharmaceuticals, McDonalds, Nutra Sweet, Phillip Morris, Proctor and Gamble, Repsol, Shell Oil, SmithKline Beecham, Unilever, to name just a few.  4

They can make the claim of being responsible for extending the life of many atrocities both human and ecological, making a cheerfully fat profit on the pain and misery of the most vulnerable. Human Rights are way down the list of its priorities while taking their PR and advertising expertise to new heights of social responsibility by wiping the bottoms of dictators and oppressive regimes whenever they can. Their well practiced art of manipulating media and the public has ranged from discrediting reports of genocide; attracting foreign investment for fascist juntas and staunchly supporting serious human rights abusers that consistently aligned to much of American foreign policy. Where BM really excelled was by smoothing over the crises of Three Mile Island, Bhopal tragedy and Exxon-Valdez oil spill. The late communist Romanian despot Nicolae Ceaucescu was also on the party list. 

BM has led the way in setting up and sitting in “green” organizations and charities, refining the art of dirty tricks in covert corporate espionage for which Black is no doubt, only too proud. This makes his acceptance to head Dolan’s organization more believable as another front for laundering cash under the guise of charitable status. 

“[Propaganda] proceeds by psychological manipulations, character modifications, by creation of stereotypes useful when the time comes - The two great routes that this sub-propaganda takes are the conditioned reflex and the myth” 5 No where is this more applicable right now than in the United States of America with copious quantities of Americans conditioned to respond reflexively and seduced by the distortion of mythical archetypes.

The Lincoln Group excels as the most highly charged propaganda machine of our times, with the “War on Terror” being under its purview. Black is listed as a lobbyist for the group and has extensive influence over his protégé the precocious and mysterious Mr. Christian Bailey the chief executive director. With “Insight and Influence anywhere, anytime,” as one of its slogans. 

As a dynamic 30-year-old Oxford graduate with no public relations experience he coincidentally became the lucky recipient of a $100m (£56m) contract from Donald Rumsfeld’s Department of Defence. One of his first tasks was to buy space in Iraqi newspapers and deliberately place biased stories in favour of US interests. 6 In effect, Christine Bailey, (real name: Christian Martin Jozefowicz) is one of the top PsyOps operators on behalf of the Pentagon:
In early 2003, just before the invasion, Mr. Bailey formed a Lincoln subsidiary, the Lincoln Alliance Corp, offering ‘tailored intelligence services [for] government clients faced with intelligence challenges.’ He also formed another subsidiary, Iraqex, which won a $6 million Pentagon contract to launch 'an aggressive advertising and PR campaign that will accurately inform the Iraqi people of the coalition’s goals and gain their support. 7
The Lincoln Group website, at www.lincolngroup.com paints a romantic picture of boundless confidence as it strives to keep the wheels of exploitation turning as fast as possible. Far more invasive black operations are taking place beyond its slick and clinical sounding PR operations. Their website makes interesting reading. Christian Bailey and Charlie Black will no doubt be happy with the website blurb where they are:
“…working with US and overseas corporations and organizations to develop an in-country capability in Baghdad and Basra. Located both at the center of power and the commercial gateway of the country, Lincoln will act as a central clearinghouse for businesses seeking to do business in Iraq. Lincoln will provide the information, research, and contacts necessary to develop and grow business within the country. Lincoln will also provide a threat and risk assessment service through its ASP service, allowing clients to understand and mitigate the perceived security risk and dangers present in country.” 8
It all sounds as sharp and incisive as a surgeon’s scalpel. No mess, no bodies or blood – just American Patriotism and substantial pay packets. One medal that Lincoln can pin on their staff suits includes a significant amount of propaganda over the mass slaughter of civilians in the attacks on the Iraqi city of Fallujah. 

An ABC report confirmed Lincoln’s involvement through a strategy document entitled: ‘The Making of Heroes: Lincoln Group and the Fight for Fallujah’ — part of the Pentagon's multi-million dollar public relations campaign to sell the American war effort to the Iraqis.” This revealed its attempts to promote ‘the strength, integrity and reliability of Iraqi Forces during the fight for Fallujah.’ In fact, it was to promote lies in favour of genocide. The report went on to say:
Under the heading ‘Rumor Control,’ according to the document, the Lincoln Group strives to dispel the notion that the war is ‘America’s fight’ or that Iraqi forces were defecting…‘It’s a little strange to see because even the Pentagon’s own estimates and the administration’s own estimates of the state of the Iraqi forces in 2004 when these fights for Fallujah occurred were never very glowing,’ said Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution.  9
There are breathtaking claims that are tailored to dim-witted Congressmen and the castrated American media. Combine this with the new global private armies masquerading as security firms and you have the emergence of a new kind of “information dominance” characterized by Psyops and mercenary warfare. This is clearly part of Donald Rumsfeld’s new espionage baby the “Strategic Support Branch,” which “deploys small teams of case officers, linguists, interrogators and technical specialists alongside newly empowered special operations forces.” Not only has it been formed from “reprogrammed” funds but it operates “without explicit congressional authority or appropriation.” 10
It is a far more secretive unit that rivals the CIA and is directly answerable to Donald Rumsfeld which some have said has allowed the Defence Secretary far too much power. The Lincoln Group fits comfortably into Rumsfeld’s strategy “…to find new tools to penetrate and destroy the shadowy organizations, such as al Qaeda, that pose global threats to U.S. interests in conflicts with little resemblance to conventional war.” 11 Of course, these shadowy groups are nothing more than phantoms that serve as phantom menaces to keep the world of HTNA turning over.  12

Like Black and fellow Briton and native of Surrey, Maurice Alexander, Bailey is highly elusive and extremely difficult to pin down due to the nature of his work. His role has been implicated in busy CoIntelpro programs across the internet designed to offset and obfuscate genuine truth-seeking, which the US administration believes is in its best interest to stop. Such internet disinformation websites also had patterns of connections that led right back to pornography and paedophilia which seems to surface time after time in so many domains, as we have discovered. Psychopaths so often deride and criticise those who have discovered their true nature and with the exact same information, reflect back ideas and hypotheses that were directed towards them. The mimicry is perfect and the vitriolic response often proportionate to the truth of the original accusations.

Bailey and Black your archetypal specialists in Psyops on behalf of the Military-Industrial complex firmly in the court of the American Empire. With Christine Dolan spawned from the CNN news which has a history of harbouring groups of Psychological Operations personnel within its ranks, the stench of Psyops becomes ever stronger. 13

So far, Dolan managed to run up quite a list of unsavoury connections which were on the wrong side of the fence and that are probably directly involved with the conditions which make slavery and abuse such lucrative past-time. Dolan and indeed, Kronzer both represent serious projections into their respective obsessions. Dolan still has the waft of intelligence asset hanging over her as well as allegations of embezzlement and fraud. Kronzer has a religious fervour bordering on fascism while fielding counter-accusations of secret paedophilia and abuse, the last volley from his family. This could have been one reason why his wife so willingly embraced the cultish flavours of Medjugorje.

It is also an interesting to note that Christine Dolan’s investigations into Dyncorp proved rather useful to her Chairman Charles Black’s company BSKH, being in direct competition to the security firm: “What is surprising to me is that Dyncorp has kept this contract. The US says it wants to eradicate trafficking of people, has established an office in the State Department for this purpose, and yet neither State nor the government-contracting authorities have stepped in and done an investigation of this matter.” 14


1  The Phillip J. Kronzer Foundation http://www.kronzer.org/dolan3.pdf
2  Ibid.
3  University of Florida Alumni Spotlight / Alumni CLASnotes Spring 2005.
4  www.corporatewatch.org/
5  p.73: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jacques Ellul, Trans. Konrad Kellen & Jean Lerner. New York: Knopf, 1965. Published by Random House/ Vintage (1973).
6  ‘So, just who is Christian Bailey?’ By Andrew Buncombe,  The Independent, December 17,2005.
7 ‘Godalming geek made millions running the Pentagon’s propaganda war in Iraq’ By Patrick Foster and Tim Reid, Times Online, December 24, 2005.
8  www.lincolngroup.com/
9 ‘Inside the Public Relations Blitz to Sell Iraq War Overseas’ ABC News, December 14, 2005.
10  Secret Unit Expands Rumsfeld's Domain New Espionage Branch Delving Into CIA Territory By Barton Gellman, Washington Post, January 23, 2005.
11  Ibid.
12  The SSB is a branch of the Defense Human Intelligence Service. Of particular importance to this arm are the special operation squadrons, otherwise known as the “secret army of Northern Virginia.” Virgina, and Virginia Beach as well as the CIA home base, are notorious for US military bases and training centres for covert operations, from Navy SEALS to Marines Airforce.
13  ‘CNN - The CIA's News Network?’ By Dave McGowan, May 2000 found at www.davesweb.cnchost.com/cnn.htm see also: CNN AND Psyops, March 26, 2000 By Alexander Cockburn, in CounterPunch, and: ‘Why Were Government Propaganda Experts Working On News At CNN?’ March 27 2000, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting - www.fair.org
14  ‘DynCorp Disgrace’ Jan. 14, 2002, Insight magazine, By Kelly Patricia O Meara. www.insightmag.com

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