Tuesday 17 May 2011

The End of Control Part I

Why is it that things never really change? Philosophers, social scientists and legions of thinkers have pondered this fact. Is it merely the “selfish gene” of human nature or has there been something lying behind the history of conflict on this Earth that has up until now been successfully hidden? The truth is, humanity has been controlled for millennia by a bloodline of primary psychopaths and sub-categories of psychological deviants. It should come as no real surprise if we take a look around the world. This reign of darkness is reaching a convergence point in human history where the Magicians behind the curtain can be seen as a reflection of our own shadows. This could be a time where Humanity grows up and courageously chooses to face the Abyss and by doing so, change Destiny towards a New Cycle of Light.
Technologically and materially things have dramatically changed for many of us. Yet few would disagree that the world still appears to be governed by the same fears and rapacious needs. Those who genuinely wish to help their fellow man are constantly imprisoned in the structures that are designed to prevent real, long-lasting change. Those few who work tirelessly on the ground alleviating suffering and creating all manner of practical solutions for the world's problems are allowed certain successes in the short-term, while the more creative and sensible long term solutions wait endlessly on the sidelines. If the status quo is threatened measures are taken to ensure that such constructive possibilities remain short-lived either from the stimulation of “natural” societal constraints or by more overt means.

Our global economy, its corporations, media and governments, are all conspiratorial by nature. The idea of a global conspiracy often produces the conditioned reflex of ridicule and condescension which is often nothing more than a mix of fear and ignorance of the unknown. Indeed, it is an unfortunate twist that anyone who used to mention the word "conspiracy" was immediately labelled a "kook" or a "nerd." But many of the so-called conspiracy theories have now become established conspiracy fact. The number of times I’ve heard a distinguished commentator say: “I’m not a conspiracy theorist but…” or “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories but…” as if somehow the art of denial is a consensus based on watertight facts that the world doesn’t function based on secrets, lies and deceit. 

Business as usual means that we can always fall back on the much touted idea that such "ridiculous" theories are the province of the mentally unstable or the emotionally hysterical. Granted, on some counts that might be true. Yet it is a fallacy to think that many of the corporate, national, and international decisions are not made without the consent of the public. The National Security State apparatus was set up in the 1950s on that very foundation: the public are the enemy and their capability to connect the dots regarding their oppression must be permanently obstructed by a complex use of psychological warfare, social engineering and the inculcation of consumerism and war as cover.

The conspiratorial nature of this vast mind control we see before us is so pervasive that we can barely see an alternative. Control is endemic whether via seemingly benign social parameters to which we have been taught to willingly adhere, or from the more invasive secret government experiments in technology and psychology. In fact, the whole idea of social engineering more or less takes care of itself. There is very little action needed on the part of those at the top of the pyramid. Subjectivity and denial is homeostatic and self sustaining. We are literally like lab-rats in a vast experiment that has a pyramidal structure of knowledge dissemination. The Military-Industrial complex provides the willing servers of what has come to be known as a “New World International Order”, many of whom are usually unaware that they are being duped, often sophisticated ways. This is partly due to the fact that such a conspiracy operates in plain sight. There need be little emphasis placed upon shadowy cliques meeting in smoke-filled rooms to discuss nefarious plots and heinous crimes against the people. It's all there in plain view if one cares to look and if one knows what to look for. However, we are so programmed that we don’t realize how our thoughts and daily behavior has become embedded in the social system that has been carefully, slowly created for us. The strength of our beliefs in this regard will dictate how permeable is the membrane by which we allow new ideas to filter through our conditioning. 
The label of “The New World Order” has been heard most recently from dazzling luminaries for peace and justice such as UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown to the French President Nicholas Sarkozy and obviously George Sr. and Jr. Bush. China, Russia, Germany and Portugal have also joined the chorus for “global governance” and a seemingly benign reign of  global power brokers. The financial crises and coming economic collapse is all part of this re-ordering of the globe. Your personal life and personal goals are unimportant to the controllers unless those goals are consistent with the sociological, economic and religious goals of their Global vision. Logically, another name for such people are globalists. They believe in one world, one humanity. Sounds great doesn’t it? And perhaps that’s where we will end up one day. However, it entirely depends on who is at the helm of this global gravy-train and right now, it seems fairly certain until we rid the world powers structures of psychopaths and sociopaths who presently wield power, a global religion, a global government, a global military, a global education system can only spell disaster of the totalitarian kind. Indeed, any kind of extreme centralization cannot hope to provide anything else. 
Globalism and collectivism means group consciousness but with the principles of individualism and pluralism absent; where inclusiveness and diversity is lost. It is akin to the half-human, half-cyborg creation in the series Star Trek better known as the Borg. Their job is to assimilate all into one bland homogenous entity that serves the group mind at expense of individual identity. (It is also an interesting commentary on trans-humanists who are thoroughly intoxicated with the idea of merging with cybernetic machines, the current plaything of the Elite). The agenda for world government and the global totalitarianism it espouses can be discerned very clearly. Simply remove the sweet sounding euphemisms and romantic allusions to a global humanity and there it is. There is no conspiracy in this sense, only the sin of omission by a media firmly in the pocket of the Power Elite and who have been for a considerable length of time.

What globalization really means for the Elite is a return to world feudalism set against the backdrop of technology that subsumes and anaesthetizes rather empowers the human mind and its limitless potential. This is why China is currently lauded by so many of the lower level Pathocrats like David Rockefeller for whom such governments are an exact template for their vision of the world.Yet they are not communists per se – they utilize all systems of economic, political and social structures to further the objective of World totalitarianism. The key psychological ploy at work here is the inversion of principles that seek freedom and cooperation in ways that are subtle and indistinct. A blanket indoctrination of Orwell’s “double-speak” becomes the norm; a para-moralistic and para-logical discourse informs education and politics so that in the end the population is totally disorientated as to what constitutes fact and fiction, truth and lies. When such confusion exists and the reality is injected with fear and instincts of survival it becomes very easy indeed to manipulate the masses without them ever being aware. Now, in our present cycle the final phase of their designs has arrived. 

If 9/11 was a major signpost in the fortunes of the Elite the second is the current financial and soon to be economic collapse which will mark the initiation of what is commonly called in Biblical terminology: “the End Times” which will see branches of the Illumined ones or “Illuminati” create “Order out of Chaos.” The “all seeing” eye commonly found in Masonic art is atop the pyramid which is found on the humble – soon to be defunct - US dollar bill. This is their little game in plain sight. Under the pyramid is found the motto "Ordo Novus Saeclorum," or, A New Order of the Ages. And bringing us back to the Free masonic motto "Ordo ab Chao," or…Order out of Chaos. Rather like 9/11 coincidentally being the emergency number of America…They like to play with numerology as much as people’s minds…

The term “New World Order” has been filtered through various belief systems serving to obscure the concept behind the phrase, limiting objective analysis of what this actually means. In the last thirty years the term has been taken up by the religiously inclined and/or Christian fundies to trumpet the "evil clique of Satan's disciples." The American patriots have done the same with the "Globalist Elite" and their dastardly plan of those "dang liberals." These distortions are part and parcel of the strategy of "Divide and Rule" so beloved of the Establishment and the wish to keep the masses occupied while they go about their quest for Global control. However, the idea of conspiracy as the normal state of affairs for the majority of geo-political machinations means that this tried and tested reaction is finally beginning to change. There is indeed an age-old agenda to control and subjugate humanity towards a set of anti-human ideals. And however hackneyed and laughable this may sound to the overly intellectual and Hollywood programmed individuals - awareness of this is fact at different levels of perception is certainly growing.

Several think-tanks and institutions such as the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Round Table of Industrialists, the Tavistock Institute and many, many more have had - and continue to have - enormous influence on the destiny of nations and international geo-politics. They all seek to embody the same Gods convinced that they are the a mix of the New Olympians, following a “Divine Right of Kings.” There is no democratic process but insider governance towards specific objectives which have little to do with the common good. Many involved in these organizations will be unaware of the role they are playing and thus provide their money and sometimes celebrity status to further these agendas. A lack of knowledge and awareness rounded off with the ever present need for power and prestige are effective means of ensuring compliance with very few members ever knowing the true reasons and results of their participation.

The US has been the primary nexus point for this particular brand of social programming. America's involution and decline is part of this plan. Relatively little interference is required. In order that the world be placed into convenient international “blocks” or “unions” on the road to Hi-Tec global control it is necessary to dismantle all obstacles to the vision – the USA being a republic with a constitution as one such obstacle. As a symbol of freedom and individual empowerment this could not be allowed to continue which is why the US has been under attack from within since the beginning of this century. While this may sound ludicrous it is merely a matter of historical record which has an equally long legacy of suppression and cloaking under a variety of noble sounding social initiatives. A "tweak" here and a "tweak" there is all that is needed to keep the lid on human potential and the socio-cultural descent firmly on course. That says something about how easily we take those carrots and how much faith we place in our inherently corrupt institutions and their leaders.

It is very easy to succumb to those who scoff at the ideas above saying that such controls are unworkable and too fantastic to implement, that it is all merely a product of an overly imaginative mind. Getting our heads around the idea that we have been born into a world that is highly controlled in often extremely subtle ways is vital in order to understand our true heritage. It requires a wholesale re-evaluation of our beliefs and research into the corporate-owned media who manage, omit and restrict the information that reaches us through our televisions and radios. The internet – at the moment at least – represents the last outlet of unregulated and truly free medium of free speech and information dissemination where the truth can be accessed and information transformed into knowledge.

There are in fact, increasing numbers of people who are waking up to the evidence that a relatively few number of individuals are wielding enormous power at the top-most tier of this social pyramid. They have a high degree of knowledge concerning human psychology, the occult, cosmology and our environmental and planetary future. One's realisation and translation of this may well be filtered through a belief system such as a religion or a political ideology but right now, this doesn't really matter. 9/11 changed all that. That event allows the committed researcher to peel back the layers in many disciplines and to come to the inescapable conclusion that the primary reason that these criminals were so successful in their endeavour was due as much to our social engineering as it was to power of the military-corporate complex. The greatest impediment toAmericans waking up to the reality of their situation is the refusal to see how deep the corruption really goes. A geo-political naiveté is endemic caused by an iniquitous economic system; hijacked education and a voracious materialism. 
Yet we must not assume that America is alone in her pathogenic infection of truth. Many psychopaths are in key position of power within governments, institutions, organisations and all manner of social policy. Psychopaths recognize each other. They cluster together and create the ideologies and belief systems that allow them to do as they please. They tailor reality towards their conscienceless nature and condition normal people to take on and adapt to their pathologies. This process has become finely tuned and extremely effective. They have infected all of our social systems as a pathogen would its host, making narcissists and "sociopaths" of us all. Their singular view of the world is to have us consume, compete and de-humanize each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By having us programmed to do this, to focus on our instincts and base emotions to the detriment of all that is authentic and creative they ensure a total disempowerment, a “dumbing down” of the populace - even to the point that we now love our slavery and seldom have the time, energy or intellectual wit to question it. The imperative to which all ideologies and beliefs adhere, is to protect and hide the true nature of the psychopath in this world: the key human embodiment of evil. And now, when we are presented with the cold reality of this fact a large number of persons experience a cognitive dissonance rather than face the implacable truth. Accordingly, it seems they are winning the battle to colonise our minds with relative ease. The success of such a slow and determined process of psychological invasion can be evidenced in the trivialisation of this concept and failure to grasp the ramifications and effects of what a globally induced psychopathology has done to the world of man and what it has planned for us in the immediate future.

Behind the ideological precepts of Neo-Conservatism; Communism; Capitalism; Zionism and underworld criminal activities is the psychopath, igniting a multitude of entropic networks that spread easily and vicariously through the suffering of human kind and the weaknesses and frailties which then lend themselves to the psychopath's wishes. Zionism is the most convenient and prevalent of these tools. Though Zionists (as oppose to Jewish people) do have extraordinary leverage and power it is not about one ethnic group or secret society in the final analysis. It is about another type of human being who has no conscience and who is the symbolic representation of the human predator as a NATURAL manifestation. It is primarily a psycho-pathological problem that gives rise to all the aberrations we see before us. They have peculiar bloodlines which have gravitated towards positions of power within the Establishment and aristocracy. Satanic groups, organised sexual abuse, slavery, trafficking of humans, weapons and narcotics are the domains by which the real economy functions, albeit in a process of gradual dissipative decline. Theocracy; Cryptocracy and Autocracy are all blended into the far more precise wording of an emerging global totalitarian government or Pathocracy – rule by psychopaths – and which has been growing by stealth for many decades.


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