Tuesday 14 June 2011

The Blair Belief Project Part II

This pussy-footing around the “War on Terror,” the war in Iraq and the 9/11 attacks - which continue to be seen by most as a democratic reaction to the forces of evil - is astonishing to witness. Our submissive media spend their time highlighting the many pieces of shrapnel but fail to see and sense the heat of the explosion right under their very noses. They prefer to tow the establishment line mimicking the extreme and terminal state of media decay in the United States.

A further ruse for those running this sordid show, is to promote the “cock-up” theory and leave at the intelligence services’ door, thereby absolving Blair and Bush of any blame. The 9/11 commission is almost laughable in its pointless accusations of “what went wrong.” How did the British Joint Intelligence committee and the CIA get it so wrong? Who had one two many coffee breaks? Let’s all focus endless reports on the awful intelligence and bypass the reality of the situation that intelligence is so far advanced that whether it is Israeli’s MOSSAD, MI6, CIA, or the NSA they can scope and manipulate almost whoever they wish with extreme ease. This is a basic fact. Which means we can dispense with the ludicrous suggestion that there “wasn’t enough intelligence data” or that somehow no-one knew what was going on before it was too late. This is utter fantasy. We might as well believe that Mavis the cleaner with her bucket and mop accidentally pulled out the plug on the vast network of surveillance technology and departmental divisions of advanced methods of data gathering. Oops - that was it. All the defence systems were down on September 11 and everyone was playing tiddleywinks while a few jet airliners breezed into town. And actually The “disarming” of Iraq…or rather the “liberation” of Iraq…or perhaps the INVASION of Iraq and the slaughter of thousands by American Mongols was all a result of poor intelligence as well?

Once again: “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

Aside from copious documentation of beginner’s intelligence that something was brewing prior to the twin towers attacks and which was repeatedly ignored, the only conclusion one can reach is that persons unknown within the intelligence agencies and security agencies on both sides of the Atlantic “got it wrong” by design.

The former UN weapons Inspector Scott Ritter proclaimed at the top of his voice that no weapons would be found for the same reason. It was all part of ploy - a fabrication for war. As the CIA director George Tenet was comfortably used as the scapegoat to usher in Porter Goss, a former CIA operative and a much more cosy sympathizer to Bush, here in the U.K. Blair appointed John Scarlett to head MI6, who was initially behind the dodgy dossier deception in the first place. The parallel process in the UK and the US is startling.

Perhaps most disturbing of all under Blair’s premiership is the lack of investigative journalism concerning the highly suspicious death of weapons expert Dr. David Kelly. This atrocious episode is now merely a footnote in the Blair juggernaut and the silence on this matter alone should set some very loud alarm bells ringing. Deaths of weapons experts linked to bio weaponry are not as rare as one would think and when Israel is yet again lurking in the background all bets are off as a Signs of the Times supplement report outlines.

Another article by Simon Aronowitz details information from Michael Shrimpton, a U.K. national security and guest on The Alex Jones Radio Show who expressed the view that Kelly was murdered "because he had been talking to the press and there was a fear of what else he might discuss with journalists. Furthermore, Kelly was due to return to Iraq and may have learned fresh information on that trip which Whitehall could not afford to trust him with.” I suspect a rather more pertinent reason for his demise is the reports that Kelly had been hob-knobbing with Israeli scientists working on bioweaponry and Kelly’s scape-goating was getting a little too hot for them to handle.
Another one of those numerous but important “coincidences” shows that Kelly had strong links to a clandestine intelligence cell called Operation Rockingham which was effectively the British counterpart of the US Office of Special Plans. According to Neil Mackay of the Sunday Herald:
BRITAIN ran a covert 'dirty tricks' operation designed specifically to produce misleading intelligence that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction to give the UK a justifiable excuse to wage war on Iraq.

Operation Rockingham, established by the Defence Intelligence Staff within the Ministry of Defence in 1991, was set up to 'cherry-pick' intelligence proving an active Iraqi WMD programme and to ignore and quash intelligence which indicated that Saddam's stockpiles had been destroyed or wound down.

The existence of Operation Rockingham has been confirmed by Scott Ritter, the former UN chief weapons inspector, and a US military intelligence officer. He knew members of the Operation Rockingham team and described the unit as 'dangerous', but insisted they were not 'rogue agents' acting without government backing. 'This policy was coming from the very highest levels,' he added.
'Rockingham was spinning reports and emphasising reports that showed non-compliance (by Iraq with UN inspections) and quashing those which showed compliance. It was cherry-picking intelligence.'
The report further adds:

Many in British intelligence believe the planned parliamentary inquiry by MPs on the Intelligence and Security Committee will pass the blame for the use of selective intelligence to the JIC, [joint Intelligence committee] which includes senior intelligence figures. 

Intelligence sources say this would be unfair as they claim the JIC was following political instructions. Blair has been under sustained criticism following allegations that intelligence on the threat from Iraq was 'sexed up' to make it more appealing to the public. [Revealed: the secret cabal which spun for Blair By Neil Mackay] [bold mine]

Once again, those “cherry-pickers” have been hard at work for their leaders. If this were not enough, there is another possible reason for the intensity of lies and deceit which now characterise Blair and his government.

Reports surfaced last year concerning Blair’s protection of elite paedophile rings within government circles and his possible blackmailing by US forces in return for support for the Iraq war. While the activities of paedophiles operating with impunity in the higher echelons of power has long been known, the necessity to blackmail Tony Blair into support by threatening to reveal such poison within his own party and friends seems spurious given Blair’s religious convictions, personality and long-term obsession for all things corporate-American. Nevertheless, this theory may well play a part overall, which further increases culpability and darkens his projected image still further. (But Blair has never been one to be bothered by whom he associates with. Witness the holiday luxury with Silvio Berlusconi for one).

So, it could well be that the Christian mission given to him as oppose to relinquishing the reins of power and squealing on predations of another kind, may seem eminently preferable as Mike James mentions from his article on the same: 
...The British intelligence services are actively engaged in preventing any further child sex revelations that could incite further hostility to an already unpopular Prime Minister and destroy the morale of troops set to invade Iraq. An intelligence officer told Mackay that "a 'rolling' Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests occur."

Some commentators, mindful that one of Tony Blair's closest confidante's is a practising paedophile, are even suggesting that this particular scandal, and not Blair's repeated lies and fabricated reports in regard to Iraq, may well prove the downfall of a government mired in sleaze and corruption. The Sunday Times is reported to have obtained an FBI list of Labour MPs who have used credit cards to pay for internet child pornography, and Blair has responded by imposing a massive news blackout, failing however to stop the arrest of one of his most important aides, Phillip Lyon.[…] 

But it is now becoming shockingly clear that the slavish adherence of Tony Blair and Jack Straw to the Bush line on Iraq may have less to do with principled arguments, and much more to do with the fear of CIA and FBI revelations that would make them two of the most hated politicians in modern British political history.
[Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End for His Career Sunday herald]
I fear the author is wishfully thinking if he believes that any scandal in these modern times of perceptual myopia would cause the downfall of a government, unless it fitted the Hegelian dialectic. What have we heard since then? As usual, the establishment takes care of its own.

Irrespective of the likely truth of such allegations, the same pattern remains – Tony Blair and the rest of his crew are willing to adhere to nothing more than self-aggrandisement at any price. It matters little that he may be protecting paedophiles and by extension, his desperate need for an historical admiration. Tony Blair’s image is at stake and his image is inexorably entwined with the ““War on Terror.” Protection of his own stake in power and the need to control is the primary issue and always has been. While Blair “braves hotspots” and kisses Iraqi children for the latest photo opportunity his support has directly resulted in thousands of deaths and injuries to the same Iraqi population with the same sons and daughters, sisters and brothers. Will Blair kiss the corpses of children lying in the streets? Will he look the Iraqi mothers and fathers in the eye and tell them they died for a noble cause rather than the mad dash to monopolize oil reserves and consolidate an Anglo-American Empire?

What would it mean to place our invisible selves on the eve and aftermath of every sniper’s bullet, every exploding mortar shell, every attack in the name of this imperial freedom? We would have our senses jolted into the immediacy of the moment, the actual physical, mental and emotional anguish and scarring; the gagging stench, the flies, the degradation and the dry-throated, wracking grief from loved ones lost. We would see first hand, as many have, away from sanitized T.V. images, the reality of the “War on Terror” and countless other propaganda exercises over time immemorial which have fuelled man’s insatiable need to consume. We would see the “Terror of the situation” and our own shame will surely rise up to meet us in our search for anything humane in Humanity.

Blair has found a safe place within so that he need not concern himself with such realities.He conforms to one half of a human dynamic which presently dominates the state of this world. He is acting on these skewed beliefs and self-delusions and refusing to acknowledge the facts, as is his right. This is the basic organizational matrix of our so called civilisation after all. Nevertheless, Blair and his other friends are clearly abusing their positions of power and actively seeking to assimilate the awareness of the population into one vast elaborate hoax. Admittedly, many people seem only too willing to go along with his lies. This is their right. And it is OUR right to refuse to be manipulated and lied to by creatively defending the principle of truth and taking peaceable but resolute action to let it be known.

There is a “call” going out and it is being answered by those who resonate towards the Blair/Bush axis of predation. There is acquiescence and there is active support - both amount to the same thing: to oil the wheels of perpetual suffering and destruction. A revolution in thought and action applied to our own lives may be required rather rapidly for us to have any chance of splitting this present woeful reality into something more constructive.

Blair is on a “mission.” What is yours?

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