Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Hype Dimension Part I

1 George W Bush Aviation action figure
While commenting on his relationship – nay “friendship” – with the Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, a fellow supporter of the invasion of Iraq, The US President George W. Bush made the following dewy-eyed statement on national television in January of this year: “We’ve worked together to spread freedom and the world is a more peaceful place.” While his erstwhile brother in arms sat grinning inanely at the torrent of softly spoken lies continuing to spill from the President’s mouth, a compliant, vetted and somnolent media tenderly extended their microphones and tape recorders towards these couple of cheeky chappies, those stalwart defenders of freedom and purveyors of justice. Gone indeed are the days of Woodward and Bernstein. Though frankly, their expose seems like a stroll along the promenade compared to the activities of the present government. 
The quotation above is only one in literally hundreds of patently ridiculous sentiments that seem to roll off the President’s tongue as easily as the invective that lies behind them. As Lenin observed: “a lie told often enough becomes the truth.” These are the vocal spillages dripping with a sheen of quasi-religious nationalism founded on simple, uncomplicated lies. They surround his administration in a slick of deception so deep that anyone caught in its swell becomes mired in the same noxious and over-powering wish to deceive. Or perhaps they are simply finding their true neo-con natures, ad majorem Dei gloriam…
George Bush, as Governor of Texas gave the thumbs up for 146 death row executions, the highest number for any governor in history. He is a man primed for this brand of presidency that requires a non-existent conscience and an ego of psychopathic proportions. With this neo-con idol as the figurehead, anyone who questions policy and flawed intelligence is deemed unpatriotic; anyone who questions the dismantling of the constitution, the incontrovertible deception of 9/11 and the virtual blitzkrieg in Iraq is deemed subversive and a supporter of terrorism. And his essential nature is not alone. He is surrounded by similar sociopathic individuals. After decades of socio-cultural programming is it any wonder that the US government and its executive shadow are able to get away with so much and at such great social cost?

During the uneasy aftermath of the Iraq invasion, a US-led propaganda assault continues to reach new heights of coercion. Initially labelled “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” the capture of Iraq was a vital stage in an apotheosis of hype which began its ascent long before the twin towers atrocity. The (sour) cream of the neo-con military interventionists headed by Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Dick Cheney, Stephen Hadley and many others put their signatures to an open letter to Republican leaders back in 1998 urging a change in US policy where unilateralism, (including the removal of Saddam Hussein) would be the normal course of future foreign policy. Most of these signatories are “coincidentally” now in the present administration and extending the same expansionism with almost unlimited finances to ensure its success, even if the US is bankrupted in the process. It was closely followed by the glossy and “civilised”: Project for the New American Century (PNAC) fronted by William Kristol. These expansionists also undersigned a diatribe of imperialism with the added bonus of other humanitarian dignitaries including: Jeb Bush, Zalmay khalilzad, Elliot Abrahams, Dan Quale and a smattering of right wing intellectuals such as Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Francis Fukuyama and Midge Decter. Twelve years later the aims of PNAC have been comprehensively transferred into the national security strategy of the US.
PNAC is an important document in this regard and well worth the look in order to understand the minds of those for whom the world is simply a place to “slash and burn” and extract the dividends between the two. If one even takes a cursory look at this paper together with the Home Security Bill and the expanded Patriot Act we can get some idea that the agenda here IS for a particular brand of a “New World Order” which George Bush Senior famously reiterated during a televised Council of Foreign Relations press conference in 1992. However, it is clear that this NWO is a many faceted agenda beyond the American Patriot gun-toting call to arms and the many belief systems trailing in its wake. As ever, things are somewhat more complex. But certainly, the present administration is a means to a specific and exclusive end, which spirals back beyond factions within the shadow executive bodies and with a high probability that most are themselves being controlled and manipulated on the planetary chess-board.[2]
The Bush administration seeks to maintain and expand the economic and international supremacy of the US and to reshape the geo-political globe under the ridiculous banner of “pre-emptive strikes” while feathering their own nests in the process. It is not difficult to see why. Iraq holds the second largest expanse of oil reserves in the world, representing a gateway to further domination of the Middle East. This is one of the reasons why Saddam was first in line along that classic piece of scripted propaganda: the “axis of evil.” The fact that there was no foundation whatsoever to this much vaunted sound-byte is irrelevant. It sounded great and appealed to the reflex of the lowest emotions. As Bush’s historical mentor and expert propagandist Adolf Hitler in Vol. I of Mein Kampf observed: “All propaganda has to be popular and has to adapt its spiritual level to the perception of the least intelligent of those towards whom it intends to direct itself.”
Examples of deception abound. A video-taped footage from 2001 of Secretary of State Colin Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice admitting that “Iraq wasn’t a military threat and had not developed weapons of mass destruction since the first Gulf War a decade before” obviously showing a breath-taking lack of principles from two of Bush’s top officials.[3] Similarly, Paul Wolfowitz a primary architect of the war in Iraq was caught out in an interview with conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham. He was asked when he first came to believe that Iraq was behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks and responded: "I'm not sure even now that I would say Iraq had something to do with it." [4]  For Wolfowitz and his colleagues, 100,000 Iraqi deaths are no more than a collection of numbers on a computer screen. These and a multitude of supremely arrogant admissions were largely ignored by the media. The ensuing hype and hysterical war mongering that followed ensured that such opportunities for the near terminal species of the mainstream investigative journalist were convincingly lost with only occasional “sparks” appearing on the internet. Those sparks were quickly finding a new newspaper to work for. To consolidate their power, the US government needed to play all of their propaganda cards, and very early on in the game the US media came up with a full house of compliance.

 Offices of Strategic Deception

  In its comprehensive paper on post-war findings, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace recently accused the Bush administration of systematic misrepresentation. They concluded that Bush had prior knowledge of the absence of any evidence regarding Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons programmes before taking the decision to go to war. Referring to the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate report they further high-lighted “an unusual number of dissenting views by intelligence officials”, as well as the pressing of intelligence analysts to come to “more threatening” conclusions regarding Iraq. The lead author of the CEIP report, John Cirincione stated: “The NIE was wildly off the mark." In other words - they systematically lied. If so why? Why was an administration allowed to go against intelligence both from sub-divisions within the FBI and analysts within the Oval Office? Clearly there is an agenda of epic proportions. Having faith in decades of “information domination” and the “dumbing down” of its populace gave the neo-cons considerable justification for pursing this agenda. Elements within the Pentagon were heating the hype to stratospheric levels immediately after the twin-towers attack as part of an operation that had been encouraged years before the event. With a vision of a lucrative conquest in sight under the sop of fighting terrorism, the Office of Strategic Influence was born in early 2002 with the objective of initiating “black propaganda” actions against foreign press and journalists.
The Office represented much more than the age-old re-telling of major geo-political porkies. The Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld went out of his way to bypass the enormous intelligence agency briefings and making a bee-line to his own personalized office where he could sift through and present the intelligence that supported the war on Iraq and to jettison any embarrassing data that could lead them away from a unilateral military expansion. Indeed, it was because many within the intelligence agencies had been providing hard data that logically screamed at the administration NOT to attack Iraq that the OSI was created, fitting neatly into the existing executive shadow government. Once the totally fictitious link between Saddam Hussein and Osma Bin Laden had been established and primed in the minds of mass America, Al Qaeda could be given first billing spawned from covert and complex manipulations by the CIA, Pakistani ISI and the Israeli Mossad.[5] Bush could then initiate the “shock and Awe” of a “Christian crusade” against the terror organisation and a focused propaganda attack on anyone else who disagreed with that “God-given” right. What better way to ensure a panacea of domination than by creating an enemy that is instantly malleable and forever open to serve the ends of a specific doctrine of control?

The Department of Defence had been sidelined in favour of the concentrated “war room” of OSI headed by Brig. Gen. Simon P. Worden of the Air Force, and according to a Guardian report from February 18 2002 “the new office has begun circulating classified proposals calling for aggressive campaigns that use not only the foreign media and the Internet, but also covert operations.” The article further states: “One of the office's proposals calls for planting news items with media organizations through outside concerns that might not have obvious ties to the Pentagon, officials familiar with the proposal said. General Worden envisions a broad mission ranging from "black" campaigns that use disinformation and other covert activities to "white" public affairs that rely on truthful news releases, Pentagon officials said.” To illustrate this point, on September 8th 2002 the Bush administration planted a story in The New York Times written by Judith Miller and Michael Gordon entitled: US says Hussein intensifies quest for A-Bomb Parts, coming of course, from “unnamed Bush officials.” This was one of many examples of basic media propaganda via “sympathetic” journalists. The story was perfectly timed as an effective advert for Saddam Hussein’s Weapons of mass destruction and the sought after vindication of the US crusaders. The fact that the evidence was false didn’t matter. By the time journalists dug around to find that the purchases of aluminium tubes were obviously not intended for nuclear uses, the damage had been done; further escalating the fear and enabling Bush to carve another notch in his propaganda stick which he continues to beat the American public with.
An important impetus for the OSI’s creation came from the T.V. news channel that is Al-Jazeera, based in Qatar and modelled on the BBC. The station has an enormous audience throughout the Arab world and is a diverse mix of interviews, live debates and an uncensored range of opinions. It has also traditionally exposed human rights abuses and is thus hated by dictators in the region and now fittingly by the US administration. The military wanted to counter the station’s critical reporting of its invasion and was thus waiting for the moment to “take ‘em down.” On November 13, 2001, a US central command spokesman admitted a U.S. aircraft dropped two 500-pound bombs on the building housing the station. By sheer luck no Al-Jazeera staff remained in the building at the time of the bombing. With high technology involving satellite and lap-top “cross-hair” accuracy and awareness of Al-Jazeera location for over two years, we were meant to believe that the T.V. station, lying in a residential neighbourhood with three satellite dishes on its roof - was an accident. Yet according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) newsletter January 31st 2002 we read as follows:
“…in a terse letter to Al-Jazeera dated December 6, U.S. assistant secretary of defense Victoria Clarke stated that, "the building we struck was a known al-Qaeda facility in central Kabul," adding that "there were no indications that this or any nearby facility was used by Al-Jazeera. "The letter, which was recently made available to CPJ by Al-Jazeera, in no way acknowledges responsibility or apologizes for destroying the television station's headquarters. Clarke says instead that the U.S. "will continue to target those facilities and locations that have military significance."

The Pentagon denied that the office had been targeted though it could not say why Al-Jazeera had been hit, which makes such a denial fairly worthless. Ibrahim Hilal, the chief editor of the Arabic language network in a Guardian report said that “the decision to exclude our office from the coverage was taken weeks before the bombing. But I don't think they would do that while we were the only office in Kabul."  He further believed that “the attack was deliberate and long-planned.” Another international humanitarian law had been flouted and denial was the only course of action, a pattern that has been systematically repeated since Bush came to power.[6]
The latest news confirms that the US picked façade of the Iraq Governing Council has not got off to a good start. They found a way to limit the station’s influence by banning the reportage of their “activities” for one month. The council’s hackles were habitually raised when it discovered that the news station would not tow the line of their vested US backed interests. When Al-Jazeera decided to report the impartial truth and move in the “opposite direction" daring to criticise the interim government, this could not be tolerated. What was especially interesting was the strong reaction to a “provocative” programme aired on January 27th of this year called ‘Israel's infiltration into Iraq.’
A team of panellists discussed the role of Israel in the invasion of Iraq, the alleged spying and claims that Ariel Sharon had visited Iraq in December 2003 in order to attend hearing sessions of the captured Saddam Hussein. It was further claimed that infiltration by Israel into Iraq began from three areas: economic,   political and military power. One panellist presented a book entitled: ‘The Mossad in Iraq’ in which cooperation between Kurdish and Jewish leaders dated back to 1968.[7] Spying in the US or “infiltrating” Iraq and the substantial involvement with the twin towers attack suggests the Israeli Mossad code: ‘By way of deception, thou shalt do war’ is considerably more than just a maxim. It becomes especially disturbing when placed in the context of US/Israel propaganda stakes, with Iraq being carved up to the highest bidder and ideological aims claiming equal importance to economic interests.
The Office of Strategic Influence appeared to be dismantled in February 2002 after considerable jitters within Pentagon circles and a minor media backlash. However, this was wholly untrue. The name merely changed to Office of Special Plans to appease the critics, this time headed by Undersecretary of Defence Douglas Feith with parental care from Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld, very much still doting on their propaganda baby.

The OSP continued to broaden its aggressive evangelical mission into all so-called allied nations in the Middle East, Asia and Western Europe. Being spearheaded by the shadow executive government and thus closely tied to the future plans for FEMA and the designs of the military industrial complex, more wholly undemocratic funnelling is taking place from the $10 billion emergency supplement to the Pentagon budget, though the amount has not been disclosed. What is more worrying, but not altogether surprising from a record of increasing secrecy, is the fact that the majority of senior Pentagon officials and Congressional military aides had no idea about the plans of the OSP. The Pentagon however deemed it acceptable to pay $100,000 a month (presumably of tax payers’ money) to a Washington-based international consulting company called The Rendon Group run by John W. Rendon Jr., a former campaign aide to President Jimmy Carter. With their website opening  catch-phrase: “Information as an element of power,” one can immediately see why their PR and high level spinning is so attractive, having already worked, most notably for the CIA and the Kuwaiti royal family.[8]

Although the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency are barred by law from propaganda activities in the United States, to place undue credence on this naïve piece of legislation is to align ourselves with wishful thinking on the scale of Chamberlain’s “peace in our time.” Perhaps it was a purposeful ruse to keep Congress and outer government minions satisfied. If so, it would simply be following the normal pattern of “natural selection” within US policy making. In the present circumstances such laws are not, and never have been worth the paper they are written on. When these pieces of paper are waved in Congress as a feeble reminder of democratic ideals, executive orders can be passed and applied to counter such moves. And when confronted with the few independent journalists and government employees who have dared to speak out, they simply shout “treason,” deny, obfuscate and rely on the mainstream media to douse the flames of truth that will naturally, albeit briefly appear amid the ever-present smokescreen.

In such an unhealthy climate the creation of the OSP and other less “official” and highly secretive operations can press ahead under the direction of the shadow executive branches. If the government is brazenly implanting draconian measures at home and flouting international laws abroad as the official face of governmental policy, then it becomes a matter of simple logic that highly classified plans and operations are being developed and finalized far beyond the press, public and Congress. But it is also likely that many personnel within governmental departments and divisions within the intelligence agencies remain partially ignorant, as analysts and governmental workers discovered during the 9/11 cover-up, which of course, still continues. 

Psyops /”Information Dominance”
A rather infamous military unit with a less than all-American, apple pie history has been assigned to implement the policies of the OSP: the Army’s Psychological Operations Command (PSYOPS). The unit is known to have been deployed in Central America, Afghanistan and the Balkans and is currently authorized to use computer network attacks, psychological activities and deception, as well as facilities and staff of the military global public affairs apparatus that are now “officially” mandated. Control of the Internet, the development of electronic warfare against disobedient media, and the control of commercial satellites are also part of its remit. For example, In March 2000 the website fair.org (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting) published the story from the French Intelligence newsletter and the Dutch newspaper Trouw that several officers from the PSYOPS unit at Fort Bragg were allowed to work at CNN (though the report title quotes more than 1,500 unconfirmed).The story received little coverage.

In the 1980s, officers from the 4th Army PSYOPS group staffed the National Security Council's Office of Public Diplomacy (OPD), where stories were planted in the US media in order to strengthen and support Reagan’s controversial Central American policies. Equally disturbing was an investigation by the congressional General Accounting Office who found that OPD had engaged in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities," and as the Iran-Contra scandal broke and the subsequent investigations that followed, the office was eventually shut down. However, the 4th PSYOPS unit is still very much in operation and with, it seems, a new lease of life.
In combination with the National Security Agency’s major forays into highly advanced electronic surveillance systems and mind control experimentation, PSYOPS takes on a much greater threat than most of us realise or indeed, will be prepared to accept.

Rauni Kilde, MD, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, lectures and writes about an NSA Mind Control system using radio implants and microchips connected to satellites that are similar to what can be find in past "NSA PSYOPS" documents. Kilde writes: "With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brain stimulation fully coded, pulsating electromagnetic signals can be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effects to be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare." Most certainly. And this form of extreme harassment is increasing, though by its very nature, it is notoriously difficult to obtain the evidence, assuming of course that prosecution is a viable option which in truth, it is not.

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA) supports many of the claims of systematic surveillance stalking and virtual torture via electromagnetic waves and electronic interference not just within the US. The disturbing nature of the NSA and its famously secret activities no doubt produces its fair share of internet bunkum. Equally, there is far too much correlative and corroborative evidence from a variety of sources to suggest that it is merely conspiracy “cranking” at work. It may well be all in the mind, but not in the way some may prefer to think.[9]

According to one researcher amongst many, Dr. Victoria Armen's  1998 essay regarding ‘The Military Use of Electromagnetic Microwave and Mind Control Technology’[10] states the capability of cloning human EEGs for targeted mind control purposes where a variety of emotional responses and instinctive reactions:
have been identified and isolated from the EEG, as 'emotion signature clusters'. Their relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured, then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesised and stored on another computer, each one of these negative emotions properly and separately tagged. 'They are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being.'

It appears that The Tri-Service Electromagnetic Advisory Panel (TERP) represents the interests of all three military services in the U.S. It is still conducting some of the most advanced research in the world which in turn stems from the investigations made by the Russian pioneers in mind control technology during the early 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Air Force has been research into ocular injury by exposure to millimetre wave system, bio-effects of High Power Microwave in low microwave regions (S band) and Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR). The use of High Power Microwave (HMP), by each of the military services seems to be commonplace. Judging by the wealth of research on the subject the US Navy is also getting extremely excited at the prospect of utilizing electro-magnetic waves as a psychotronic weapon.

We may then understand that the recent Iraq invasion represented an opportunity to test out not only the new developments in microwave weaponry and other aberrations,[11] but a valuable opportunity to experiment with the latest PSYOPS advances.[12] As Guardian columnist John Sutherland put it: “The battlefield will be the testing ground for the US samurai. No more rhesus monkeys or pigs but real, live Iraqis.” According to Dr. Oliver Lowry who has had the dubious honour of working for the US military on several classified projects, Iraqi soldiers may have been the latest unwitting guinea pigs to further such advances which include:

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called SQUAD…'According to statements made by captured and deserting Iraqi soldiers, however, the most devastating and demoralizing programming was the first known military use of the new, high-tech, type of subliminal messages referred to as ultra-high-frequency "Silent Sounds" or "Silent Subliminals". Although completely silent to the human ear, the negative voice messages placed on the tapes alongside the audible programming by PsyOps psychologists were clearly perceived by subconscious minds of the Iraqi soldiers and the silent messages completely demoralized them and instilled a perpetual feeling of fear and hopelessness in their minds.'[13]

If this weren’t horrifying enough we then have the sector of “information dominance” to complement such invasive excursions into our minds. According to American military experts the first two components of “information dominance” consist of: 1) Building up and protecting friendly information; and degrading information received by your adversary. 2) The ability to deny, degrade, destroy and/or effectively blind enemy capabilities. This is nothing new, though the Iraq war and the phantom linkage of a terrorist plot will tend to burnish the steely resolve of those who favour profitable exploitation and the search for omnipotence. Perhaps this is one of the many reasons for the 15 Information domination centres already established in the US, Kuwait and Baghdad. The Ministry of Defence and the Foreign office in the UK are reflecting Tony Blair’s evangelical attachment to Bush’s coat tails by placing information operations firmly on the agenda with close links to the aforementioned centres. A network of global connections are therefore being created in order to formerly set in motion a huge cross fertilisation of data which can then be re-packaged and sent out to the world’s media and finally, the public.[14]  
The very fact tentative reporting of information domination and PSYOPS operations are now even being discussed in mainstream broadsheets – though still few and far between – does not reflect a sudden and rapid sea change within the military nor that it suggests a previously wholesome, honourable and humanitarian approach to geo-political and intelligence manoeuvrings, much as the American people would like to believe in their moral exceptionalism. The manipulation of information to serve a specific end has a long history. Rather, we see an Orwellian control system becoming less covert due to the climate of stimulated fear and social engineering; it can therefore be allowed to come to the fore without many impediments to its continuing progress. If the mainstream US media isn’t towing the line due to naïve belief systems, then it is most assuredly sitting in the lap of the Bush Administration through vested political/corporate interests and/or the Zionist lobby who have extraordinary leverage in American society, let alone news reporting. What this means is that bureaucratic barriers and constitutional safeguards that once at least slowed the propensity for civil and human rights abuses and breaches in international law are effectively non-existent. America has placed the world on a “see-saw” colour-coded alert according to its own purposely exacerbated terrorism threat.

PSYOPS is the tool of an obliarchy and an empire that is highly secretive and conspiratorial by nature. Most governmental operations take place in secrecy as an inherent dynamic of hierarchical, organizational behaviour.  Therefore, it is only a natural, albeit disturbing chain of entropic events which are leading to a rapid integration of propaganda and news media into the military command structure. With a majority of reports from Iraq by “embedded” journalists relaying reports which are “positive” or “neutral,” we can then recognize the mainstream media as effective instruments of “friendly” information bolstering. The line is steadily blurring the distinction between friend and foe, with PSYOPS operations and the media (e)merging as one.


[1] Coming to re-election campaigns and toy boxes near you. Dana Milbank, Washington Post, August 12, 2003
 [2] For details on the hyper-dimensional perspective of a control system reality please take time to read: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/index.html
 [3] John Pilger on Bush’s occupation of Iraq "They put the lie to their own propaganda"
November 21, 2003 Socialist worker.
[4] See the original defenselinks. interview transcript.
[5] Mossad links see: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/mahmoud_ahmed.htm
[6] For further information on attacks see World Socialism:
[7] Iraqi officials ban Aljazeera Sunday 01 February 2004
[8] Their website can be found at  http://www.rendon.com/
[9]For further information on mind control experiments/PSYOPS see: http://www.raven1.net/ 
[10] ibid
[11] http://www.rense.com/general40/secret.htm
[12] Ariel Mind Control by Judy Wall, Editor/Publisher Resonance
Newsletter of the MENSA Bioelectromagnetics Special Interest Group http://www.raven1.net/commsolo.htm
[13] ibid
[14] The Guardian “Information dominance,” David Miller, Thursday January 8, 2004

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