Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Mossad Machine Part II


“A woman has skills a man simply does not have. The history of modern intelligence is filled with accounts of women who have used their sex for the good of their country.”
Meir Amit Former Mossad Director

If blackmail is a primary tool of intelligence agencies with many of our politicians and officials as paedophiles and sexual predators, then it is only logical that such people are purposely being groomed for placements within the military and political Establishment, with or without their knowledge.

A review of the Mossad’s operations in recent years suggests that they are way ahead of the game regarding such tactics. Israel welcomed into the their clandestine operations a number of former Eastern bloc intelligence agents during and after the Cold War, which led to the use of both female and male sex agents or “Ravens” and “swallows.” Successful intelligence ploys used by the former KGB and East German Stasi have mutated into a potent form of “sexpionage” or the use of sex by foreign spies to obtain information or concessions from government.

The MOSSAD keeps extensive “dossiers” on many US politicians which amount to possible targets for information gathering including blackmail opportunities. This means that extensive profiling takes place so that the prospective patsy can be comprehensively trapped, that means getting to know his sexual preferences and character traits. 

The James McGreevey and Golan Cipel affair is a case in point, which involved a high level governor with Homeland Security clearance posting and an unorthodox employee. On closer inspection some of the details are just a little too convenient and rather too pat to be mere chance. This was not a “gay sex scandal” but an Israeli intelligence operation which had to be aborted rather hastily. It was to be turned into a sexual scandal to draw interest away from the nature of the operation: sex for secrets. It seems Mr. Cipel was a junior Mossad case officer, originally posted to New York under official cover. McGreevey was lured into the relationship that was intended to breach New Jersey’s so called homeland defences.

 Foreign intelligence expert Andy Martin from Out2.com newspaper syndicate offered the following analysis:

‘Since 9/11 there has been barely suppressed anger at the fact Israeli intelligence knew about the hijackers and said nothing. Israelis have found themselves under suspicion and restricted by some intelligence channels. The state homeland security position was seen as a back door way of spying on anti-terror preparations in the New York-New Jersey area, and possibly nationally.’

‘The media have focused on the wrong blackmail scheme. This was not a sexual blackmail situation, although threats and demands have been made.’

‘Gay sex’ is being used to conceal the real nature of the betrayal. This was a blackmail scheme intended to place Golan Cipel in a position of intense interest to Israeli intelligence.’

‘I am asking the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey to refocus his investigation into a breach-of-security investigation instead of a sex scandal.

‘Based on my extensive experience with foreign intelligence agencies, I think you will see Mr. Cipel, who is now exposed by his non-official cover, on a plane back to Israel very soon.’
Indeed he was.

A married man concealing his homosexuality and very likely having the odd extramarital affair which Mossad would have been monitoring was enough to mark McGreevey out for a Mossad operation. His post as Governor of New Jersey meant that he was privy to some very interesting Homeland Security strategies.
 In March 2000, McGreevey contacted Golan Cipel while in Rishon Letzion, home of the first Zionist settlement, Israel’s fourth-largest city, where the young Israeli worked for the Mayor Meir Nitzan. It was back in 1995 while Cipel was working at the public information office at the Israeli consulate in New York that he began working for McGreevey when he was mayor of Woodbridge. Cipel was studying communications at the New York Institute of Technology, though he received a Fine Arts degree. Art, spying and Israel pop up yet again. We may remember the story broken in by Carl Cameron for Fox News which was later hastily buried bringing to light the existence of an Israeli spy ring which consisted of over 180 cases of young agents posing as art students. 2

Israeli embassies have long been centres of MOSSAD operatives and with the widely held belief that Israeli espionage training operations are primarily carried out through the telecommunications industry within the US. This serves as another warning sign that Cipel was most likely a “Raven.” The fact that he was a former Israeli Naval Officer only confirms the suspicion.

On Jan. 24, 2002, with great fanfare, Mr. McGreevey announced the creation of an office of counterterrorism and appointed Kathryn Flicker, a respected assistant attorney general, to the post. But Cipel was already there and was appointed his lead advisor for homeland security the following month.
When the scandal broke he fanned the fire still further by assigning him to a job as “counselor to the governor.” Obviously the Israeli was doing his job very well, as he was clearly enamoured of Cipel. Mexican Journalist Ernesto Cienfuegos had this to say about the case:

[...] During the period between meeting James McGreevey and the revelation of the scandal, Golan Cipel moved from assignment to assignment with the ease that only an Israeli sexpionage operative could have. According to official documents, Cipel worked for the Israeli Parliament, the Israeli Embassy in New York, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and ultimately as Chief of Homeland Security for the US State of New Jersey at a salary of $110,000 per year, even though he was an Israeli illegal alien.

The allegations by Cipel of ‘sexual harassment’ by Governor McGreevey are only a ruse to cover up the real purpose of the operation. The allegation by Cipel that he was sexually assaulted by the governor "twenty times" is preposterous and only the dumbest Americans will believe it. In fact, Golan Cipel allowed the governor to buy him an apartment a mere few blocks from the condominium where McGreevey lived with his so called wife. The scandal involves much more than just the outing of a ‘queer governor’! 3

Gary Condit, as a senior member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence was privy to high level classified documents that Zionist Israel would have been happy to get their hands on. Chandra Levy, a 24 year old government intern and a sleeper agent and “swallow” was activated for this purpose and a meeting set up. Married Condit soon came under Levy’s spell and an affair ensued. However, it seems US intelligence was tipped off and Levy was murdered, her remains being discovered more than a year later. No one has been charged for the murder nor are they likely to be.

Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades were no less prominent than J.F. Kennedy or indeed, most members of Congress, through successive administrations. What was more unusual was that it represented one of the Mossad’s more successful operations leading to Clinton’s impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives and acquittal by the Senate. They did it through the “Swallow” Monica Lewinsky.

There are conflicting reports as to the reasons why such an operation was undertaken. One suggestion is Lewinsky’s primary mission was to blackmail Clinton in order that he released the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. Another believes that the MOSSAD were bugging the Watergate apartment telephone of their agent Lewinsky who had fostered the affair with Clinton as ordered. They were then able to obtain material used to blackmail the Clinton administration into shutting down a probe of widespread Israeli espionage in Washington. Investigative journalist Kevin Dowling reported that his sources bin Tel Aviv say that “full transcripts of more than 30 sexually explicit conversations between Clinton and Lewinsky are held by the Israeli foreign intelligence service, the Mossad.”4 And of course, by “coincidence” the Likud Prime Minister and ardent Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu met President Clinton at the White House while the scandal was in full swing. As a backdrop to Clinton’s entrapment we had:

…the assassination of President Clinton's partner in the Middle East peace process, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin, on Nov. 4, 1995, which open[ed] the path for Netanyahu becoming Prime Minister in May 1996; and Netanyahu’s visit to Washington in mid-January 1998 - just as the Lewinsky affair was breaking in the U.S. news media. On this visit, Netanyahu publicly insulted the President by meeting with Bill Clinton's worst enemies, televangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. 5
If we also remember the growing force from the Neo-Con-PNAC brigade, Linda Tripp was a delta force operative working to bring down Clinton with help from another “dirty tricks” agent Lucianne Goldberg both of whom sought to capitalise on the Monica Lewinsky tapes to ruin Clinton and pave the way for the psychopathic administration we have in power today.

Embassy exploitation

"I thought you spies knew everything, Tim?"”
"Only God knows everything, and he works for Mossad.”
– From the Film: The Constant Gardner (2006)

Israeli embassies have long since been the bastion of MOSSAD agents and operatives at various levels. Asia pacific has been in the news recently where agents have been popping up on various occasions. Yet another spy theory circulated earlier this year involving an expulsion of a diplomat in Canberra, Australia.

In January of this year Israeli consul Amir Lati, 2nd Secretary at the Israeli Embassy in Canberra was secretly expelled after the Howard Government threatened to declare him persona non grata. He was said to be a MOSSAD operator and to be seeking military and technology secrets, passed to Australia by the US. Suggestions there were connections to the detention and subsequent brief imprisonment in New Zealand of two MOSSAD agents Uriel Zoshe Kelman and Eli Cara were consistently denied. However, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark had no hesitation in imposing diplomatic sanctions on Israel from her conviction that the men were spies. After being sentenced to six months in jail the men were out in three and on a plane back to their homeland.

Due to the heightened vigilance from the arrest of these spies, the Australian Secret Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was ready for Mr Lati. His reputation as a sexual predator (as well as a sexpionage agent) was well known having most recently seduced a senior official at the Australian Defence Department who had access to classified material. His expulsion revealed further details in February that Lati had a close friendship with the daughter of Attorney-General Philip Ruddock who is responsible for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and Mr. Ruddock strongly denied there was a link, though they would not elaborate on the reason. Clearly, when MOSSAD is involved nothing happens by chance.

Ms. Ruddock may have been targeted by Lati whom he met while they were studying in Beijing over six years previously. It may well be that their meeting may have been innocent enough at that stage but once Lati’s assignment had been activated, it is more than likely that links were re-established due to the information possibilities Ruddock's daughter presented. Such coincidences are not possible in the fields of counter-intelligence and sexpionage.

Such is the boldness of these players that Amir Lati’s replacement was Ari Scher, a known paedophile, who was forced to flee from Brazil and return to his native to Israel after a rather lacklustre investigation into his alleged involvement in a child pornography ring. Brazilian authorities declared him a fugitive after searching his apartment and finding technology used to manufacture pornographic material, some of which involved underage girls. More importantly, two juveniles reported to police that they were forced by Scher to have sexual intercourse with various Israeli and other foreign “guests and tourists.” Brazilian authorities “he had left the country via ‘legal diplomatic channels.’” It appears that is was indeed a rather panic-stricken departure. The investigation culminated in a search of Scher’s apartment which began when:
…a 17-year-old girl accused Georges Schteinberg, a 40-year-old Hebrew teacher of using her as a model in pornographic pictures and of distributing them on the Internet. Photographs of nude minors posed on a car with diplomatic plates were discovered in a search of Schteinberg’s residence earlier in the week, in addition to massive quantities of pornographic material. Police then traced the car in the pictures back to Scher. The search of Scher’s apartment confirmed that some of the photographs found at Schteinberg’s residence had been taken in the vice-consul's penthouse. 6
In other words, Scher was tipped off by the Israeli Consulate Eitan Surkis and spirited away by ultra swift "legal diplomatic channels" before the Brazilian police could capture him. They had even staked out the Israeli embassy in Rio de Janerio only to be told he “...had been en route to Israel for the past two days.” According to Agent Icaro Silva of the Brazilian Police Commission in Copacabana, nine complete pornographic web sites were found on the hard drive of Steinberg’s computer, all in Hebrew, the language that Steinberg taught. A retired professor by the name of Ablio Nogueira de Faria, age 78, who was in jail for producing child pornography was also found to have connections to Scher.

Essentially, vice consul Scher in concert with Georges Steinberg a 40-year-old Hebrew teacher, were running an Internet service that brought Israeli tourists to Brazil to have sex with the children. Later, it was found that his computer had disappeared. Steinberg has since been charged with sexual exploitation of minors.

Sex tourism and paedophilia for embassy staff seems to be an extracurricular activity that is far from uncommon. Such “hobbies” did not seem to deter the Israel government from putting forward Ari Scher as a possible replacement which, given his history, is careless oversight or a purposeful placement to move an operative onto pastures new. Brazil, having formerly asked Scher to be extradited is still waiting for an answer and not likely to receive one anytime soon. Israel’s Civil Service Commission banned him from foreign diplomatic missions for five years but did not believe he acted criminally, which should say something about the agenda of Israeli institutions.

Some reports site sexpionage as so important to Israel that an office located in Washington D.C and set up as a post 911 anti-terrorism Institute, is in fact a front for the purpose of continuing such operations. The office can be found at 3811 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 720 Arlington, VA 22203. What lends credence to this possibility is the fact that the Chief of the office is none other that the former Director of the Israeli MOSSAD, Shabtai Shavit.


1 ‘Foreign Policy/Intelligence Columnist Andy Martin Says McGreevey Sex Scandal was Israeli Intelligence Operation,’ US NewsWire, August 16, 2004.
2 Unusually for a propaganda station like Fox news, it aired a programme on December 12 2001 called ‘Israel Is Spying In And On The U.S.?’ by Carl Cameron: “Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.”
3 ‘Israeli Sexpionage: The McGreevey, Condit and Clinton Affairs’ by Ernesto Cienfuegos, La Voz de Aztlan, August 17, 2004.
4 What Was the Mossad Role in the Lewinsky Affair? by Edward Spannaus, The New Federalist, 1998.
5 Ibid.
6 Brazilian police stake out diplomat accused of running kiddie-porn ring’By Eli Muller and News Agencies Jerusalem Post, July 6, 2000.


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