Sunday 19 June 2011

The Politics of Entrapment Part IV

“Politics have no relation to morals.” - Niccolo Machiavelli

Let Them Eat Porn

The existence of Child Pornography is without question. The extent to which it can be used as a tool for creeping fascism is less well understood.

The notorious Attorney General Ed Meese back in the late 70s early 80s may have been the first to be given the mission to heighten and stimulate an increase in the existence of child porn in society. One scenario for this was to create a climate of law breakers, to foster fear and retribution and to further lead America into a state of already terminal decline. Commensurate with Kinseyian and Freudian programming, this was ensuring that society became even more decadent than it really was. In effect, could it be that the US government became the mainstay of child pornography itself? It filled a role of both purveyor and habitual user which could be continuing to this day, much the same as narcotics and arms. Sting operations were initiated to turn around the possible fall in child pornography crime, where the would-be purchasers were actively solicited and eventually prosecuted under the new laws. Writer Jim Peron:
First, the age limit was raised from 16 to 18 placing the United States outside the Western mainstream. An entire class of publications, which previously had been legal, were now illegal. Publications which were purchased legally in the United States became illegal overnight without the bulk of owners being aware of the change.

Second, Congress dropped the requirement that something be "obscene" before being classified as child pornography. Now the law was so broadly written that family snapshots of a nude child playing in the bath, could be prosecuted—and were!

Third, it was no longer necessary to produce or distribute the newly banned material. Mere possession was now illegal.1

Peron goes on to describe how the government created dozens of phoney companies and began soliciting people to purchase the material. Government agencies would send brochures under a fake company name to the individual they targeted and in most cases, proceed to relentlessly pester the individual until a sale was made. The police would place adverts in adult publications pretending, for example, to be a woman with a young daughter. This “woman” would then solicit correspondence from men until the men finally decided to buy the material. Prosecutions soared and the moral majority were exulted. However, the problem was, as Attorney Lawrence Stanley pointed out:

“…the line between law enforcement and inducing law-breaking has become highly blurred, as undercover "friends" encourage the forbidden fantasies of their targets and sell or send them child pornography after a great deal of prodding. In some cases, the forbidden fantasies are those of the investigating agent.” 2

Government sting operations included setting up shop as bonified pornography outlets which were actively peddling child porn and other hardcore images sourced from the belief that the US was under attack from a veritable legion of pimps and paedophiles. According to Peron, John O’Mally a customs agent created a company called Produit Outaouais which offered photos and videos:

 The government officials would reproduce photos of young children and mail them to individuals they targeted. Newsweek reported: ‘Together with similar stings run by the US Postal Service over the past few years, federal agents have become major traffickers in kiddie porn.’ In this one sting operation alone two individuals who were entrapped by O’Malley committed suicide; one a 25-year-old student and the other an attorney.4

We have already established the harassment of citizens where artists, parents and ordinary family members taking nude pictures of their children under entirely natural and loving circumstances was turned into something sordid and degrading in the minds of the prosecutors. This also resulted in untold trauma for all those targeted. Under the guise of “protection” these laws give further credence to the looming shadow of a very real police state in the United States, also manifesting in the UK. 
However, the author of the above, has been less than candid about his background in commenting on such matters. Jim Peron was caught out it seems, in March 2005 when The Society For The Promotion of Community Standards Inc. triumphantly outed Peron’s agenda in publishing the article. According to the society which upholds censorship issues, Peron an Auckland, New Zealand, book seller sold a journal called Unbound (Vol. 1 No. 4) at his Free Forum Books in San Francisco in 1985. The Society, seeking a classification, further stated that the journal was: “readily available to the public in Mr Peron’s bookshop along with the ‘pro-paedophile journal’ NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association).”5 The previous owner of the bookshop, Eric Garris, apparently confronted Peron about his “pro-paedophilia” material recounting that “Mr Peron confirmed that Free Forum Books published it.” Detailed within the journal were the objections against a police raid subsequently carried out on Peron’s bookshop where copies of Unbound and other pro-paedophilia publications were seized “in the course of an on-going investigation into David Simons (a part-time employee of Mr Peron’s, who was later arrested, convicted and jailed for 16 years for committing sex-offences against children).”6
Peron rather unconvincingly denies anything untoward though admitting he wrote an article “Abused: One Boy’s Story” which he said was used without his permission, defending his piece in lieu of the fact that there was no explicit sexual content while denying that he was referring to paedophiles when using the term “boy-lover”. He also further denied involvement with the Journal claiming that: “Unbound was published by another person who rented a back office from his former book store.” # In the Society’s view and many others, Peron was in fact the editor-in-Chief of Unbound and was trying to wriggle out of the spotlight.
It becomes a little more disturbing when we know that Peron’s source was previously mentioned Attorney Lawrence Stanley who specialized in defending those accused of child pornography was arrested in Brazil and charged with child exploitation. Infiltrating the law was not his only speciality. Stanley had “built an international business photographing Brazilian girls and selling their photos through the Internet.” One of these sites “featured photos of girls ages 8 to 14 in what police Officer Rui Gomes described to the Associated Press as ‘sensual poses.’ Police said Stanley paid the girls $20 to $40 for each photo session. An official of the Brazilian Embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for information on Stanley's case.” 7

It is the greatest irony - yet so typical of an emerging Pathocracy - to allow those questioning tactics and statistics regarding child porn to be those that benefit from a greater relaxation of the laws. It amounts to the same ruse when white supremacists cry foul against the discrepancies of Zionist deceptions thereby cancelling out any veracity of the original authorship and research. 
More disturbingly, we might also say that we are now faced with the possibility that governments themselves, after seeking to stem a seemingly gargantuan tide of child porn became its greatest purveyors and sellers due to factional objectives, the most important perhaps being the protection of an Elite who do indeed prey on children and young adults as a way of life; systemized and institutionalized by political expediency and blackmail. It then becomes yet another example of the Hegelian dialectic, a problem-reaction-solution scenario: a classic case of reverse psychology. Shout loud enough and hard enough with inflated figures and dubious data and the core subject matter becomes discredited. We can surmise from other prominent factors such as the “War on Terror,” that the purpose may be to contribute to the initiation of increasing controls where even censors try to ban material in which no real child is used as a model, but to also create the ultimate justification for the death of internet freedoms. The threat of child pornography and those affiliated with "terrorist groups” become the package by which greater freedoms are lost for the “greater good.”
Taking this hypothesis further, we might conjecture that if those factions within governments are in control not only of narcotics, arms, human trafficking, but also the pornography industry - albeit in most cases indirectly - we can see black-mail would play an increasingly decisive role in forcing certain people into taking top positions within the Elite machinery such as NBC, NASA, Harvard, the military, the FBI, and FEMA. Perhaps there are many such commercial porn sites directly serving this purpose as recruiters for a new generation of emotionally and mentally damaged men.

The Pathocracy needs positions to be filled in key positions to facilitate a greater ease of ponerogenic qualities that is then disseminated into the everyday lives of the populace enhancing their suggestibility towards specific pre-designed objectives. Those that “fit” in the core network of psychopathic and characteropathic groupings can then be relied upon to carry out their naturally allotted tasks. Disinformation artists in radio, television and the internet may have been given immunity from prosecution by federal authorities in return for defending the government. Sexual politics cannot be separated from the standard political pantomime we see flickering on our T.V. screens 24 hours a day.


1 “The Claptrap Over Child Porn” by Jim Peron, The Laissez Faire Electronic Times: Part 2: The US Government Enters the Child Porn Business’,vol. 2, no. 19, May 12, 1987/2003.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid.

4 Classify "Pro-Paedophilia Journal" "Unbound" Thursday, 31 March 2005, Press Release: Society For Promotion Of Community Standards Inc. New Zealand.

5 Ibid.


7 Lawyer arrested in Brazil charged with child exploitation’ By Robert Stacy McCain The Washington Times, July 24, 2002.


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