Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Predator, Prey and the Illusions Between Part III

Apparently, these authors believe, it's perfectly fine for an adult to sodomize a 10-year-old so long as the child doesn't develop psychological problems because of it.” - Rep. Joseph R. Pitts referring to paedophile advocate papers.

The Power of “love”?

The causes of paedophilia or child molestation cannot be ignored and further demonized if we are to understand and take preventative measures within society. Similarly, we cannot go to the other extreme and claim paedophiles have human rights and liberties equal to the needs of the child. The child does not stalk the adult. 
There is agreement that there is indeed a difference between those who “love” children and those that crave their sexual torture and death. However, this does preclude the simple and natural reason that age and biological growth is present for a reason. The para-moralistic term of “intergenerational relationships” has been coined for a number of years and is actively promoted by one of many, though particularly vocal, North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA):

NAMBLA’s goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by building understanding and support for such relationships; educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love; cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements; supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression.

These highly manipulative concepts sit together with ideas of “ageism” that advocates freedom for all to choose what they do with their bodies. This could be viewed as a classic manoeuvre for paedophiles to do as they please, which is in fact, the crux of the matter. The website is ridden with statements which say more about the need to justify sexual expression with teenagers and boys than it does about the freedom to choose. There is little evidence of love, rather an adult projection of physical desire that happily subsumes the child’s developmental stages into a body-centric and selfish consummation of self-love. All that can be seen is a great deal of narcissistic out-pouring under the banner of liberalism and hedonistic freedom in order to justify the sexual expression of the adult towards the underage. 
Benevolent relationships are possible; loving relationships are possible, but there are reasons why a 40 year old man and a 14 year old may not have much in common in terms of experience, intellectual capacity and emotional maturity. There are biological, neurological and emotional developmental reasons why a child must be allowed to grow into adulthood and to mature as a personality without the premature “flow” and undue stimulation of sex hormones. If there was real love would such a clamouring for sexual rights be an issue? Is this not evidence of the sexual act as paramount for the adult and taking precedence over the natural developmental stages of the child? This of course, depends on the age of the participants and the age of consent is an issue still controversial. 
There are common sense limitations that are not seen as relevant by such associations as NAMBLA who reduce child abuse down to that of physical violence and coercion. Although of a different category that is important to note, perhaps even less harmful than violent and aggressive rape, the seduction of a child through “gentle” means is merely another form of coercion and will thus have effects and implications. It is a distortion of the complex ecology of the mind of the emerging child and teenager. Studies that suggest that sexual experience with children and adults can in the short term, leave no negative effects is one example of this new move to see paedophilia as just another deviancy that should be allowed the freedom of expression. 11
Dr. David Finkelhor Director of the Crimes against Children Research Centre shows that there are also studies which indicate delayed effects surfacing in adulthood:

... A process in which a child's sexuality (including sexual feelings and sexual attitudes) is shaped in a developmentally and interpersonally dysfunctional fashion as a result of the sexual abuse... Traumatic sexualization can occur when a child is repeatedly rewarded by an offender for sexual behavior that is inappropriate to his or her level of development. It occurs through the exchange of affection, attention, privileges, and gifts for sexual behavior that a child learns sexual behavior as a strategy for manipulating others to get his or her other developmentally appropriate needs met. It occurs when certain parts of a child's anatomy are fetishized and given distorted importance and meaning. It occurs through the misconceptions and confusion about sexual behavior and sexual morality that are transmitted to the child from the offender... Children who have been traumatically sexualized emerge from their experiences with inappropriate repertories of sexual behaviors, with confusions and misconceptions about their sexual self-concepts, and with unusual emotional associations to sexual activities." 12

Children, by definition are not consenting adults. Therefore, to suggest that sexual stimulation and expression of an erotic love to satisfy the adult’s desires, thus denying the child’s right to BE a child, is rather closer to a crime than romantic ideas of love. To allow the free and natural developmental sexual expression of children to occur in a supportive society where sex is not elevated and distorted to the ridiculous consumerist product status it is now, is at the moment a utopian ideal. But there can be suitable safeguards. To encourage children to be sexually active within the context of society as it stands and when emotions are still forming sets the child up for a fall and a warping of natural cycles. Moreover, to be sexually repressive and guilty about their sensuality in such an already ambivalent and ambiguous culture is to exploit a natural curiosity about the senses and to deform the child’s spontaneous view into the wishes and desires of self-serving adults. Again, this is a fertile ground that has long been ponerized by psychopaths and narcissists. 

Clearly where cases of pederasty and genuine love exist, and if there is indeed a loving relationship between an adult, be it man to boy, man to girl and woman to boy – then this love surely puts the other before one’s own needs. Until such time as the child can physically, mentally and emotionally match the adult’s, then this true love may be tested beyond the realm of the bio-chemical powers, where a strictly body-centric, adult preoccupation is not required to be enforced upon the child, whatever the reciprocity of the latter. 
It is also true that pre-school children are not pure white tablets of innocence much as some would like to believe. They arrive with certain pre-dispositions and a potent curiosity to learn and discover. They are walking sponges soaking up the tiniest emotional nuance. In this way, they can and do embody “innocence.” How far that innocence is allowed to naturally exist depends on adults as guardians and protectors who can facilitate a healthy curiosity about their sensuality rather than their sexuality at this developmental stage. The latter understanding naturally follows later and which requires the development of the correct set of emotional tools, which can only come from an initial guidance of the sensual world of which they are surely a part. 
Eroticism or sensuality is part of the tradition of Nature and a healthy “earthiness.” It may well be that many parents experience sexual feelings for their children at some stages of their interaction. Aspects of ourselves can be healthily sensual in the deepest sense of the word and is hardly revelatory. Similarly, the depiction of erotic images can illicit an array of responses from all kinds of ages, child, mother, father, brother, sister and with an equal number of feelings. This does not mean that the natural biological attribution should be thrown into a hedonistic free-for all where love is confused with sex, as is commonly the case. Yet how this sexual energy is expressed, creatively, lovingly or selfishly, depends on many developmental factors sourced from experiences within childhood and the formative years. 
In the current climate of pathology that grips society we cannot put the cart before the horse and claim a utopian perfection when such clear sexual dysfunctions of a very high order exist. One has to ask who benefits form this oversimplification? This is best encapsulated by a segment of text from South Park, the controversial T.V. animation series which recently satirized NAMBLA:

NAMBLA leader: I've learned something today - our forefathers came to this country because they believed in an idea, an idea called freedom. They wanted to live in a place where groups couldn't be prosecuted for their beliefs, where a person can live the way he chooses to live. You see us as being perverted because we're different from you. People are afraid of us, because they don't understand. And sometimes, it's easier to persecute than to understand.

Kyle: Dude ... you have sex with children.

NAMBLA leader: We are human. Most of us didn't even choose to be attracted to young boys, we were born that way. And if you can't understand that, well, then I guess you'll just have to put us away.

Kyle: Dude ... you have sex ... with children.

Stan: Yeah... you know, we believe in equality for everybody and tolerance and all that gay stuff, but ... dude ... F--- you. 13
NAMBLA are correct in that the law certainly needs to be far less ambiguous in determining what constitutes “abuse” and by whom. If an eighteen year-old “man” is genuinely in love with a 15 fifteen year old girl or boy, is this a crime punishable by imprisonment? Is this man to be placed on the sex offender register and sent to the state penitentiary along with violent child rapists? The case by case subtleties are not part of a ponerized appreciation of morals and values. 
Those who practice psychopathic paedophilia and child abuse as a way of life thrive on the corruption, ignorance and intentionally created confusion that is associated with the problem. They need the populations to be kept busy with paedophile rights and paedophile vigilantism – both serve to protect institutional abuse that operates above the law. There is an increasing number of academics intent on legitimizing paedophilia rather treating it. The “sexual self-determination” that deems children as adults is twist on the truth that delivers them into paedophiles that benefit from such para-logical discourse. 14


1 ‘Psychological Correlates of Male Child and Adolescent Sexual Experiences with Adults: A Review of the Nonclinical Literature’ Robert Bauserman, Ph.D.,and Bruce Rind, Ph.D Archives of Sexual behavior, 26-2, 1997, Psychology Department, 1012 East Hall, University or Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48100.
2 A Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse By David Finkelhor, Sage Publication: Newbury Park, 1986.
3 From the animated T.V. series “South Park (1997 - ) quoted from ‘NAMBLA is ... real?’ By Colin Megill, March 23 2005, dailycampus.com, University of Connecticut.
4 A reminder: Paralogism: n. illogical or fallacious deduction. paralogical, paralogistic, a. paralogize, v.i. be illogical; draw unwarranted conclusions. paralogist, n.

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