Tuesday 5 July 2011

“The Terror Within”

One of the Department of Homeland Security’s best kept secrets is about to be unveiled with the upcoming release of the documentary feature film, “The Terror Within”. Fleur De Lis Film Studios announced the special preview of the film at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2011, open exclusively to VIP’s and members of the media. 

“This project is sure to stimulate public debate on the most important civil liberties issues and government policies of our time,” said Asif Akbar, Director of the documentary.
“The Terror Within” explores issues that have sparked nationwide controversy such as the USA PATRIOT Act and illegal tactics improperly used against law-abiding Americans under the guise of “the war on terror”. It features the story of a national security whistleblower Julia Davis, a former federal officer with the Department of Homeland Security. She discovered and reported a breach of national security at the largest and busiest land border crossing in the U.S. on 4th of July, 2004. When the DHS failed to act on her reports, she took her concerns to the FBI/JTTF.
Numerous intelligence alerts designated Independence Day as the “date to watch” of special importance. Files found within Osama Bin Laden's compound in 2011 confirmed that the 4th of July was in fact a date of planned terrorist attacks on the United States. The DHS was quick to close Julia Davis’ reports with "no action" and without any investigation. The agency is notorious for its brutal retaliatory tactics against courageous whistleblowers.
“The Terror Within” details the unprecedented magnitude of retaliation and abuses of the PATRIOT Act in the case of Julia Davis. The documentary will show American taxpayers how the DHS spent their money on aerial surveillance with a Blackhawk helicopter and a fixed-wing airplane, warrantless surveillance, wiretaps, sneak and peek burglaries, Internet monitoring and On-Star tracking of the Davis family.
“When people hear this story for the first time, they are in disbelief that something like this could happen in America. It shouldn’t, but it did. The truth is indeed stranger than fiction. You might think that events of this magnitude happen only in the movies – until it happens to you,” said Julia Davis.   
The documentary film is jam-packed with actual footage of the Blackhawk helicopter/Special Response Team raid of the Davis residence, videotaped accounts of witnesses and perpetrators with extensive evidence obtained from court records. More time, manpower and military might is utilized to attack Julia Davis than the number of US Navy SEALS on the ground during the assault of Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. The warrantless search of the Davis home lasted nearly three times longer than the search of Bin Laden's lair.
Amidst many shocking revelations, this documentary film reveals Brittany Murphy’s involvement as a witness in Julia Davis’ case, which caused the star and her significant other to be targeted by the DHS/ICE. In spite of being extensively litigated and mentioned in a book, “Unsafe At Any Altitude”, the government suppressed these sensational events from being covered by the media – until now. The truth is no longer a secret.
At the reception immediately following the screening, “The Whistleblower's Handbook” (endorsed by "60 Minutes" Producer Michael Radutzky)  will be available for purchase. The proceeds from sales of the book benefit the National Whistleblowers Center and its various programs. Its author, Stephen Kohn, Executive Director at the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) will also be in attendance.
“It’s important for whistleblowers to know that they’re not alone and have strong supporters in the NWC. Stephen Kohn’s recently published book is an important step-by-step guide to understanding the process and arming yourself with the knowledge essential to prevailing in your case. I only wish I’ve had access to this priceless publication even sooner! This is a must-read for every current or potential whistleblower,” said Julia Davis.
For additional information, about “The Whistleblower's Handbook”, visit
For additional information about the documentary film “The Terror Within”, please visit the official website:
Official trailer for "The Terror Within" on the Internet Movie Database:
Additional information about Julia Davis and her case:

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