Tuesday, 27 September 2011

UNsafe in New York

Lew Rockwell

New York City was under siege this week. Decent folk cowered at home while two-bit thugs stalked our streets, guarding the self-important sociopaths invading Manhattan.

Yep, the United Nations’ General Assembly met as always at this time of year, plotting to grab more power over the world, and the NYPD milked that for all the overtime it could get.

Were you to stroll around the skyscrapers in midtown, you’d assume you’re in occupied territory. Cops – phalanxes of them – clog every intersection, and movable, metal barricades fence off whole streets, confining New York’s disarmed populace to sidewalks as though we pose some sort of threat. Recall that many of the dictators bloviating at the UN have hundreds or thousands of rapes and murders, a war or two, torture and often even genocide to their credit, not to mention the usual plunder and theft. Yet Our Rulers fret about protecting them from us.

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