Friday, 28 October 2011

Breaking Free from Subservience

Activist Post

When in Poland I gain a certain perspective on England; and when in England, a certain perspective on Poland. In Poland many grapple from day to day with the nitty gritty of survival, easing their load with a cheery cynicism concerning anything and everything 'political'. Whereas in England, it seems somehow disreputable to be struggling with the basics of life, and there remains a naively wishful trust that the political regime of one's choice will eventually deliver some appropriate solution to the problems of the day.

Which leads one to recognise that different cultures have different perspectives on the same basic problems and different ways of dealing with them. So let us be wary of a “European Union” that tries to bring about a standardised European super state in which all countries involved are expected to conform to the same (largely financial) goals. It doesn't work. But that doesn't mean that those at the top end of the power pyramid aren't determined to make it work; just as 'The United States of America' is projected as a unified entity ruled by a caring President, when just under the surface a very different reality is easily visible. The 'United' States and the European 'Union' are covert tools for the acquisition of power for those at the top of the pyramid. They are global trading blocks that operate as cartels for big business and corporate enrichment while maintaining a veneer of cultural cosmopolitanism and commonality.

How is this grand subterfuge brought about?

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