Sunday, 2 October 2011

How To Legally Plunder the Rothschilds

The best way to defeat an enemy is to learn how to use his/her weapons against them. I told you I am not a man of violence, and I oppose violent revolution on the grounds that it ends up with sheeple killing sheeple under the direction of the wolves. That doesn't mean we take things lying down.

What I am going to show you is one of the primary reasons why the Satanic Psychopaths have targeted me for assassination, harassment and destruction. When it comes to money, I am the man who "knows too much".

You are about to witness a historic event that will be known as the Stock Market Crash of 2011. In order for the Psychopaths to profit from this event they need the following:

1. Money in the Stock Market. Your money.

2. Insiders and Institutions ready to sell their stocks and create a falling market.

3. Stock Options in place that will grow in value as the market collapses.

As I have stated, money doesn't just disappear. It merely transfers from one hand to another.

If you were sitting in a Las Vegas Casino, and the most successful gambler in the world walked in and sat down at the roullette wheel, you would be a fool not to shadow his bets. I don't do Casino gambling, but I do know how to beat the Rothschilds and Rockefellers in their Wall Street Casino. I want you to learn how as well. This, my friends, will be far more enjoyable then standing outside a building with a Protest sign.

1. Open up an online trade account with E-trade or Scott Trade or whoever.

2. Get approved to trade stock options.

3. Fund your online account with a few dollars you can afford to lose. Don't bet the farm!

4. Buy Put Options on the companies I recommend in these articles and on my radio program. My radio program can be heard on Renseradio.com.

5. Get set up today and start trading Monday morning.

You will be placing your bets against companies that are currently being looted, One Put Option controls 100 shares of stock in a company. When the company goes down $1.00, your Option will be worth an additional $100.00.

1. Buy "At the Market" and "To Open" to keep things simple.

2. Buy one dollar or so below the current market price of the stock.

3. Buy the November Option. This gives you until mid-November for the stock to transfer its money to you as it declines.

4. Sell when you make $100 on the Option.

5. Donate 10% to this website by clicking the button above. This is my fee for teaching you. It works on the honor system.

Stock Option Recommendations for Monday:

1. JP Morgan Chase (symbol JPM): Now trading at $30.12 and soon will drop much lower. Nothing more satisfying than profiting from a joint concern between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. Buy the November 29.00 Put or lower, depending where the market is at Monday Morning.

2. Morgan Stanley (Symbol- MS): Now trading at $13.51 and soon will be worth pennies on the dollar. Another Rockefeller-Rothschild concern. Ah that warm, fuzzy feeling that comes from plundering the plunderers. Buy the November $12.00 Put.

3. Exxon (XOM): Otherwise known as Rockefeller Oil. Buy a November Put at $70 or lower.

4. MGM Resorts (MGM): Another Illuminati enterprise. Buy the November Put at $8.00 or lower.

5. Donate $10.00 to this website so that I know you are "in", and appreciate my hard work.

6. Make this article go Viral. Tweet It, Post it on Facebook, email it to your friends. The more people that do this, the more money we plunder from the plunderers. Guaranteed to give the Psychopaths a myo-cardial infarction.

7. Buy silver bullion from me with your life insurance cash values, savings and retirement before supplies disappear.

8. I have a few more consulting spots open for those with a couple thousand to play with. Email me for info.

Buy silver by emailing me pdrockton@aol.com

Other Recommendations:

1. I sell both silver and gold and currently have no supply issues. Delivery is still 2 weeks or less. For current priceing, Email me at pdrockton@aol.com

2. You should be shorting the market with the psychos. I do consult for a fee. email me for more info.

3. If you can't move your money into physical precious metals then move your money into a money market fund.

4. Drain your cash values on your life insurance policies and annuities. Convert to physical metals. Insurance companies will not survive the economic collapse.

5. Buy food while it is still cheap. A year's supply. Also heirloom seeds.

6. Allicin C kills all bacteria, virus's, fungus and biological agents. It also stores extremely well for a long time without losing its potency. Get some.

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