Monday, 24 October 2011

You Refuse?

Yes, i refuse. It is my right as fractional part owner of this planet to refuse. To determine just how much right you or anyone else may have, take the total sum of all resources of earth and divide by all life and you will have found your share, however please note that this is also your level of planetary responsibility. In case you missed that part of the Matterium Manual (soon to be released), your planetary resource share is also the total amount of debt that universe places on you for life.

That is to say, you are charged with using that share of the planet's resources (including life force) to return more than you used. If you do so, if you add more value to universe than you receive, then you have achieved the goal of life here in matterium. And universe will provide prizes...likely celebratory pie as well.

Simple to state, but a real challenge to achieve. Made even more of a challenge by all the humans running around pretending to be talking assholes who are direct impediments to right thinking, and right action here on earth.

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