Thursday, 10 November 2011

The American Surveillance State Puts Orwell to Shame


End the Lie via The Intel Hub

Recently I published a relatively long article entitled, The invisible surveillance state: DHS and the end of America as we know it, which breaks down the invisible prison-like system that is the United States has become and how the Department of Homeland Security is diverting public funds into programs that would make Orwell’s Big Brother look like a joke.

Some of this information is nothing short of unbelievable. It seems so ludicrous that it is easily dismissed as conspiracy theory or paranoia.

Unfortunately, everything I detailed is heavily documented to the point that it is simply irrefutable.

I really wish the high-tech American police state was just a conspiracy theory, but it is not and we are doing ourselves, and our nation, a disservice by pretending otherwise.

Furthermore, we would be making a grave mistake to not take this behemoth system seriously and to confront the egregious breaches of privacy that it creates.

This is not something we can wish away with logic like, “Well, as long as I’m not doing anything wrong, why should I care?”

Nor is it something that we can reconcile with logic like, “Well, as long as it is stopping the terrorists and keeping us safe, why should I care?”

These systems rob you of your right to privacy regardless of your criminal status and in doing so essentially criminalize the act of being in America.

Just by being an American citizen nowadays you are subject to constant surveillance, indefinite detainment without charges via the PATRIOT Act and all that would come along with being a full-fledged criminal. Only, here you don’t have to do anything wrong.

Part of this megalithic, monstrous surveillance state is the widespread implementation of surveillance cameras.

As I covered in my previous article, technology is moving away from simple surveillance and towards intelligence gathering along with creating so-called “threat assessments.

As such, you are no longer just being photographed by cameras, your photograph can then be entered into a facial recognition database which can then be used to create a 3D model of your face for even more tracking via everything from surveillance cameras to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) better known as “drones.”

In order to grasp the true nature of this system, one must actually read into it and do the research for oneself.

Please, don’t take my word for it. Click the links I provide in my articles and do your own digging. You just might be surprised by what you find.

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