Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Change the World from Within

I think this is a valuable article. It needs to be said that we largely have to change ourselves first before we can real changes in our external reality. However, perhaps it can be done as a parallel process. It is also true that the change in collective consciousness we are presently seeing in the world could go either way, If the world truly begins to see objectively the reasons for our social systems' malaise i.e. Psychopathology infecting all centres of power then we may be able to reenvision societies the world over with certain sensible preventative measures in place. For example, all those seeking postions of power must be psychologically evaluated for Psychopathy and other variants. If not, then we will let evil in the back door all over again as history will attest. 

But changing ourselves within is essential if we are to stop the process of undue identification with a "cause". At the same time "Seeking peace within" can be dangerous in that it can turn out to be sedative or a self-calming action that replaces responsibility and doing. So, there's a fine balance to be had. 

by Gina Sendef

Many people are passionate about a cause that advocates for change.  For some it’s related to a hobby, for others it is political in nature and for some it is about human rights; for me personally it is currently humane animal treatment.  Whatever the issue, our passion can be an incredible motivator and communicator; but when that passion turns from enthusiasm to sarcasm, frustration, resentment or anger, you will go from advocating for change to complaining about it which in turn becomes a negative force instead of a positive paradigm.

For years, I spent a great deal of my time enthralled in many causes of the day.  There were so many injustices in the world and very little peace; life was seemingly so very unfair.  I knew that my constant discussion, ranting and, at times, protesting of these issues was truly helping the world because I could make a difference by pointing all of these things out to others and would do so forcibly with my language if necessary.  It was my personal mission to educate people on why the world was such a lousy place; not to mention question those that did not really see it that way.

Today, that person and those actions literally seem like someone else’s.  In my years of supposedly supporting this cause or that one, I actually did very little to help create positive change for our planet; least of all making it more peaceful.  I now understand that true peace is not about any outward manifestations in our world, it can only come from within.  I also know that because life is absolutely what you make it despite any circumstances, that there are in actuality no true injustices; rather lessons that individuals need to learn or teach on their path not matter how difficult they are for us to comprehend. I also realized that much of the media, some corporations and many political systems are in the business of fear mongering; they must make us sick so we need them to get better.

I eventually decided to shift my focus from complaint and argument to restraint and understanding.  I now live with the notion that if I desire change of some sort there must be action and it must be a complete reflection of that desired change.  For instance, if my cause were peace; I would choose to conduct myself in a peaceful manner and lead by example to bring calm wherever I go.  Or, if my cause were to promote honesty in business, I would conduct myself in that manner avoiding corruption and insincerity.  In the past, I would have fought for peace and protested corruption; making my focus the very things I wanted to change.  I now realize to truly advocate for change, it must first come from within and you simply must live it and spread it wherever you go.  Making yourself a walking and talking example of that for which you advocate.

It seems our world is currently filled with many frustrated people over government, corporations, treatment of our planet and the sheer inhumanity that can exist.  Many see their role as being an agent for change by criticizing what they do not like or want; taking it to the streets, asking for laws to ensure things change or organizing ways to harm those they view as the cause of injustice.  While some of these methods might bring about a temporary fix, lasting results of a desired outcome must come in the form of the change you seek.  Gandhi did not say we should talk, yell, argue or force the change we want to see in the world; he said to be it.  Anything other than that simply perpetuates that for which you supposedly fight.

Seek not to convert nor condemn; rather merely to convey by being the example of what you desire in the world. As more and more and more of us turn inward for peace and express it outward with our actions and deeds, we will be able to have truly lasting transformation.  That is the kind of change that can shift souls and create human awakening.  Anything else is divisiveness in disguise; no matter how right or just the cause may seem.

If you seek to promote change of any kind; you must first seek it within and then extend it without.  The world becomes a better place every time one person decides to become a better person; sharing that goodness with others without forcing opinions or passing judgment for not being or thinking the same.  We are truly one, each connected; do you want to be connected to anger or peace?  Once you are the reflection of your desires, you can only be surrounded by them; that is how you change the world from within.

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