Sunday 11 December 2011

Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media

This article seems to have been scrubbed from rense.com and and one blog at least has been accused of violating its terms of use and been shut down. So be careful when including this article on your blog in its entirety.  As usual, it is extremely difficult to criticise anything Israeli, or Jewish without having the wrath of Yahweh come crashing down on you.

You can can find the article in PDF at http://www.nogw.com/download2/-9_six_jewish_companies_own_96.pdf  

Or in French (easily translatable) at:  http://larevuedelepoque.20minutes-blogs.fr/archive/2010/12/30/six-zionist-companies-own-96-of-the-world-s-media.html

Probably it's a mix of misguided liberalism and zionist irritation on the language used in the article and construed as anti-semitic. (yawn).  Nevertheless, the facts speak for themselves regardless of bias or opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Just last night, Tues Dec 13, I was able to only access the google cache of that story and copy the article into a Word file. I wrote the Rense webmaster an email telling them the link was broke and now today there is no rense link or google cache version at all. Maybe Rense will resurrect it
