Monday 5 December 2011

The Trickle Becomes a Flood?

"The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned."
~ Maya Angelo

I had many reasons for leaving the USA and moving overseas. One of the big reasons was, because of traveling outside of the USA a lot in university days, I began to realize that the story (brainwashing) about the USA being the "Greatest Country on Earth" (that we were all taught in school) wasn't exactly true. 

The propaganda involving American exceptionalism and how "we are different (better)" certainly wasn't true either.

Many people's of the world are proud of their countries (rightly so) and think they are living in the best country in the world... I've met many those outside the USA. Before I had met these people, I was under the impression that everyone was desperately trying to find a way to escape their country and get to the USA... 

Maybe trying to escape to the USA was the dream of most people during World War II. It's not that way today. In fact, it seems that it's definitely become the opposite of that today; American people are trying to leave the USA. 

I notice that, over this last year or two, this talk and the topic of folks escaping from the USA has gotten bigger and bigger. Of course, the MSM doesn't report it. The fact that online and offline publications (like my favorites International Man and Dollar Vigilante) as well as many other that have popped up supporting expatriation or diversifying out of the dollar, shows you what readers of LRC have known all along: People who can read the writing on the wall are getting out of the USA.

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