Monday 2 January 2012

10 Things To Do to Survive 2012

Activist Post

No one is predicting 2012 to be an uplifting year, economically. All major financial analysts predict stagnation at best, while others warn of likely doom and gloom as the dollar continues to become less desirable around the world.

In 2010, China and Russia agreed to stop trading together in dollars and Japan agreed to do the same with China just last week. Moves like that coming from these major economic players only can spell doom for those who rely on the strength of the dollar.

With commodities like food and oil still trading in weakening dollars, it puts further pressure on the soaring prices of these essentials. All signs seem to indicate that the cost of living in dollar-based economies will likely rise dramatically in 2012 as well.

Additionally, just as Western populations find themselves broke and without jobs, their governments are also on the brink of bankruptcy and are reducing domestic spending, while continuing to print endless gobs of money for fraudulent banks and endless wars. The notion of reversing this trend is not promising.

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