Thursday, 5 January 2012

Europe: The Liars Club, Who Really Owes the Money

You have been hearing Europe is broke but what you have heard has been filtered through newspapers and TV stations owned by “certain groups” paid to lie to you.  

Your information is useless, as usual, like everything else you think you know. 

Let me tell you a short story and then drop some minor facts any 2 year old could check that will, we hope, make you question other things.

Other than peddling lies on the internet, correct that, “information” that contradicts the harmful mythology peddled by media with an agenda quite directly orchestrated by organized crime syndicates, I work in murders and executions, tied to the defense industry.

This, of course, is a childish joke.  Business school folks have an underdeveloped sense of humor.  “Murders and executions” means “mergers and acquisitions.”

The defense industry is built on one failed company built out of “hot air and bullshit” buying others of the same, starting a revenue stream through bribery and being bought off by a larger shark.
 Read more 

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