Friday, 6 January 2012

Ron Paul? Sorry, but he doesn't have a hope in Hell.

Look I see Ron Paul as a good guy. I think he's strong, his heart is in the right place and  I think he was correct on many points. 

But dear God, people, it is not the fact that he "makes sense" or that "he is genuine" or that "the US military supports him"and he's against the "staus quo" it is the VOTING SYSTEM and the National Security State apparatus that controls it.

"Revolution" will not happen with Ron Paul because there is not a hope in hell that he will attain the Presidency. The system will not allow it. It is the same military-corporate-occult system that picked the last several Presidents. That has not shifted and still remains, albeit with cracks in its edifice.

BUT....When Ron Paul loses - as he will - the disappointment may allow the scales to drop regarding the nature of the socio-political prison we live under. This may then produce such a a huge uprising within the consciousness of Americans that a REAL non-violent revolution may eventuate. But it can only happen with radical overhaul of politics and the very agencies and departments that have been infected by this corruption, ideological pathology and religious fanaticism of all kinds.

Even if Ron Paul were to win, he would still be operating within a social structure that has been created by a psychopathological perception of reality. Those effects don't just go away nor does the psychological trauma within social systems of which politics is a part. He would be hampered at every turn and surrounded by wolves. The result would probably be another Kennedy-type assassination in order to get "back to business."  That same brutal cabal is still there and it has grown in scope and power.

If you want a congress and our political sphere made up of "principled people" then the structure has to change. Law and Justice has to change, Economics has to change, the very perception of business actvity has to change. Because right now, it is inhabited by perceptions that stem from the effects of psychopathology that has infected institutions, ideologies and positions of power most severely across Western civillisation for far too long. If this psychological awareness is not addressed, then history will undoubtedly repeat itself and principled men and women will once again be sidelined and "democracy" and the concept of the constitution will revert to doublespeak: the words will be used but they will represent something entirely different. Evil often veils itself in candy-coated visions and ostensibly benign sentiments of an infinite variety and people are only too willing to suspend critical thinking in favor of comfort zones  and personal security. (Yes, I've done it too).

Ron Paul is not the answer. The changing awareness of Americans is the only option and that awareness MUST include the understanding that RADICAL change based on psychological knolledge of the mindset that has destroyed America and brought the world to its knees is the only way to build a more balanced future. 

Change the system first and route out the Wizards behind the curtain who control voting, Congress, black operations, global financial architecture, media and the vast corporate monolith of weapons manufacturers, drugs and human trafficking that would be compromised should a non-puppet arrive at the Whitehouse. The vast money machine simply won't allow it.

LASTING CHANGE  WILL NOT COME FROM TRYING TO VOTE SOMEONE INTO A SYSTEM THAT IS ALREADY BROKEN. Yet, realisation of that fact may change reality in an  instant. 

This is just a beginning and its effects will change the US  and the planet for decades to come depending how much ordinary people can think out of the box and envision an entirely different future free from centralised government, armies, private banks and corporate destruction. Most of all, to reach the point where we begin to understand what it means to have a mind that is truly free.

Please read: http://ponerology.com/

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