Wednesday, 11 January 2012

What Iran’s president said about Israel, and how US War Criminal 1% lie for war

Following is the transcript of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s October 2005 speech. In the section in question, Ahmadinejad said people once thought it was impossible to remove the Shah as Iran’s dictator, but it was done. He then said that people thought the Soviet government and Saddam’s government would never fall. He then quoted a religious leader’s words from speeches he gave encouraging Iran’s persistence to oppose the Shah’s occupying regime. The speech’s crystal-clear content and context is to encourage people to persist for justice from Israel’s government because they act as an occupying regime against Palestine.

US political and corporate media “leadership” damn themselves as criminals and psychopaths by taking a speech admonishing Israel to act legally and morally with Palestine, and lying that it says to physically “wipe Israel off the map.”

Those guilty of these war lies and Crimes Against Peace include US corporate media, previous Bush Administration “leadership,” and most currently Obama, McCain, Sarah Palin, Vice President Joe Biden (with three video clips of total 5-minutes to see and hear the lies), Mrs. Clinton, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, Bachmann, Perry, Huntsman (2-minute video to see and hear the lies here).

These lying sacks of spin criminally war and fear-monger in various combinations of “wiping Israel off the map” with taking Iran’s IAEA-verified perfect record for nuclear material in legal use for energy and medicine and lying that they might make nuclear weapons.

The solution is for US military and law enforcement to arrest US War Criminals attempting to now mass-murder Iranians.

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