Sunday, 3 November 2013

Snowden and his motives

I wasn't too sure about Snowden in the beginning and I'm still not sure. The way Snowden suddenly appeared on every mainstream media outlet seeemingly over night just didn't seem credible since so many other whistleblowers had barely a mention for their efforts over the years. What was so special about Snowden and his leaks? 

I imagined he might of been part of the NSA's psychological toe dipping into the populace to gauge the result of mass awareness regarding their surveillance program. And for sure, we haven't dredged the bottom of their toxic barrel yet for just how far the technology goes (MAIN CORE, HAARP etc.).

However, I'm open to the idea that Snowden is sincere and that, at the very least, he has made a vast section of the global population aware of what has been going on for decades and what was pooed-pooed - yet again - as a mere "conspiracy theory."


Revealed: The REAL Reason Snowden Leaked Spying Documents

What Inspired Snowden to Speak Out?


There have been numerous theories batted around for why Edward Snowden leaked NSA materials, such as:
  • He had some other bad motive
But that’s not why he did it.
Remember, high-level NSA employees Russell Tice, William Binney, Thomas Drake, Kirk Wiebe blew the whistle on unconstitutional mass surveillance by the government over the course of many years.
Snowden has said that he was inspired by their courage.   (He also learned that you can’t correct unconstitutional behavior in government by going through internal channels.)

Courage Is Contagious


Courage is contagious.  And studies show that even a single dissenter speaking their mind empowers others to think for themselves.

Read more

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