Sunday, 23 March 2014

Forget RFID: Check Out Our Super Trendy Tracked and Traced Future

Melissa Melton 
Truthstream Media 

RFID tags are so last season. Google Glass isn’t even as potentially invasive as the new tech that’s coming out now.

Between infinitesimally small cameras that allow you to take high definition 3-D “selfies” of your insides and electronic tattoos or pills that authenticate your body the way a password does, the future is turning out to be more than just a tad bit creepier than Back to the Future II said it would be.

The world is bad enough with vast swaths of disconnected people wandering through it like techno zombies, faces constantly down in their smart phones.

Go to dinner, half the tables are filled with people who aren’t spending nearly as much time with each other as they are with their smart phones. Go to a concert, people aren’t watching and listening to the actual concert while they are there: they are recording it on their smart phone instead. This lady was so busy doing something on her phone as she walked through the mall that she tripped and fell face down into a water fountain.

But that is nothing compared to the new “Android Wear” smart watch that was just announced. Check out the commercial for yourself:

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