Saturday, 22 March 2014

UN Expert Accuses Israel of Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid

Uprooted Palestinian's Blog

Local Editor A UN rights expert who probes the Zionist entity’s conduct towards Palestinians accused Israel on Friday of a campaign of ethnic cleansing and apartheid policies. “The realities on the ground are worsening from the point of view of both international law and from the point of view of the Palestinian people,” Richard Falk, an 82-year-old American who is an emeritus law professor at Princeton University, told reporters. UN expert Richard Falk Falk is due to step down this month as the UN Human Rights Council’s monitor for the Palestinian territories taken over by occupation enemy in 1967 — the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East al-Quds (Jerusalem). 

Since he was appointed in 2008, he said, Israel has built more settlements in Palestinian territories, imposed collective punishment on Gaza, demolished homes and repeatedly deployed excessive force. He also accused Israel of a “systematic and continued effort to change the ethnic composition of East Jerusalem” by voiding Palestinians’ residence permits, confiscating property and allowing unlawful Israeli settlements there. 

“This is systematic discrimination on the basis of ethnic identity, with the objective of creating a different demographic in Jerusalem,” he said, calling it a form of “ethnic cleansing”. “

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