Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Barack Hussein Obama: Manchurian Candidate And Trojan Horse, Warmonger And Deceiver

Michael Thomas
State of the Nation

Let’s get something out of the way for all the partisan readers and Obamabots who will NOT like this graphic portrayal of the current US President.

George W. Bush was perhaps the worst president in US History.  His eight year term in office clearly marked a new low point in American history.  By unlawfully and deceitfully invading both Iraq and Afghanistan, he set the entire world on a course toward World War III.  His entirely bogus War On Terror was as contrived as it was an ongoing policy of state-sponsored terrorism against the non-white, non-Christian world.

In the end, W. Bush will be known as the occupant of the White House who triggered the real Clash of Civilizations after outright stealing two national elections.  So determined were the Neo-Cons to push the world into a WWIII scenario that they found in George W.Bush a mean-spirited, narrow-minded and self-absorbed individual who could be easily manipulated into doing just about anything Dick Cheney et al. told him to do.

Oh, yes, one last thing — and it represents a HUGE difference between George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama.  Please forgive our candor but the following short exposition is quite purposeful in making an extremely important point.

As follows:

Everyone knew deep down inside that W. Bush was unfit for presidential duty and quite a dangerous dolt.
He, himself, knew he was a dunderhead.
We all knew he was a dunderhead.
The entire world knew he was a dunderhead.
He knew that we knew, that he was a dunderhead.
We knew that he knew, that he was a dunderhead.
And so on and so on … … …
What’s the point?

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