Tuesday 30 June 2015

Monsanto to Spend $1 Billion on New Herbicide Following Roundup Cancer Link

Christina Sarich
Natural Society

A billion dollars would feed a lot of people for a very long time, but instead, Monsanto will spend this absurd amount of money to build a new plant in Luling, Louisiana to produce weed-killing, and health-damaging dicamba.

In an effort to expand its business after glyphosate was declared likely carcinogenic by the WHO, Monsanto has announced that it will focus on an alternative herbicide – dicamba. While the EPA only considers dicamba to be ‘mildly toxic’ thus far, and it has been used since the 1960s, research does link the chemical to colon cancer and lung cancers.

It is also very similar in its chemical make up to 2,4-D, another herbicide which was recently called ‘possibly carcinogenic’ by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Though while the warnings for this herbicide were less alarming than those for the other-tested pesticides Lindane and DDT, the researchers did still called 2 ,4,-D, possibly carcinogenic. They also reported that it caused oxidative stress as well as a suppressed immune response, which are both known health conditions that support the development of cancer.

Monsanto will likely spend up to $1 billion to create a production facility that can make up for its failed Round Up, which has caused super weeds to grow throughout farms in the Midwest and across the US.

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