Tuesday 2 June 2015

Who are the Psychopaths?

Duncan MacMartin

Recently we heard that the Australian government plans on destroying and burning protected remnant old growth forests to make electricity and woodchips; and before that we discovered the US government's open secret of founding and supporting ISIL in Syria after failing to gather public support for a war against Assad! Every day we have been watching the Palm-Oil Mafia commit industrial scale ecocide on all our remaining tropical forests in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Brazil etc; We have all been witness to that blatant event where the USA has instigated a NAZI coup d'etat against the duly elected government of the Ukraine while blaming Russia for destabilising its own front doorstep. For decades now we have watched the Zionists continue to freely torture and commit gradual genocide against the ethnic Palestinian populations with the support and complicity of the USA and its vassals.

What, besides their blatant cruelty, ruthlessness, irrationality and affront to our humanity do these events have in common?

The answer is that they are all products of classic psychopathic behaviour, or if you like: psychopaths have initiated all these actions; Psychopaths in places of critical decision-making; Psychopaths in high places.

At 5% of the population, there are AT LEAST 16 Million psychopaths in the USA alone -- most are, at first, effectively clinically undetectable from the main population. The few, who are incarcerated in institutions, and available as clinical objects of study, represent the "failed" psychopath -- the one who has been "found out" by the system. Most have not only gotten away with their pernicious and predatory tactics on humanity and the planet, but have actually prospered in power, money and position.

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