Saturday 4 July 2015

Max Blumenthal on Alison Weir

Gilad Atzmon

On June 30th 2015, I attended a book signing and talk by Max Blumenthal presenting his newest book  The 51 Day War: Ruin and Resistance in Gaza

I arrived about halfway through his talk, being familiar with what Max has said in the past, I didn’t feel the need for a lecture, but I was up for the Q and A.  His lecture and the questions that followed really hammered home how barbaric and racist Israeli “Jewish” culture has become.  Max did not seem to pull any punches; in the Q and A he emphasized how in control of the politicians the Jewish/Zionist money had become of both Republicans and Democrats.  He talked about the renewed efforts to smear and defame Palestinian Solidarity Activists especially on campuses, and how big money has been brought into this fight and how the risks of being called an anti-Semite and defamed had increased. 

One questioner asked why Israel had let him back in the country especially after he had written Goliath.  His response was that it was probably because he was Jewish.  Most of the questions were fairly soft ball and no rabid Zionist was in the audience.

I am aware of the smear campaign being launched by Jewish Voices for Peace against Alison Weir.  Knowing her work well, as well as personally knowing her, I found this attack beyond outrageous.  While Max was signing books I approached various activists I knew in the audience talking up Alison Weir and denouncing the attacks against her.

Finally the last book was signed, the line was through.  I approached Max and said I had perhaps a controversial question.  I asked what he thought about the JVP attack on Alison Weir.  His response was vitriolic ...

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