Sunday, 26 June 2016

'Holocaust survivor' Joseph Hirt admits he made up his story to 'keep Holocaust memories alive'

Comment: Not an isolated incident I'm afraid. Much of Jewish History can be characterised by similar deception in order to "keep ... memories alive". In other words, to keep alive the myth of Jewish exceptionalism and the social control and preferential treatment it confers. 


Alan Yuhas
The Guardian

A Pennsylvania man who claimed for years to have escaped from Auschwitz, met track and field star Jesse Owens and Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, confessed on Friday that he had fabricated the entire story.

"I am writing today to apologize publicly for harm caused to anyone because of my inserting myself into the descriptions of life in Auschwitz," Joseph Hirt, 86, wrote in a letter sent to his local paper, LNP, this week. "I was not a prisoner there. I did not intend to lessen or overshadow the events which truly happened there by falsely claiming to have been personally involved."

"I was wrong. I ask forgiveness," he added. "I determined at that moment to do everything in my power to prevent the loss of the truth about wartime life (and death) at Auschwitz."

For years, Hirt gave public speeches about his experiences in the second world war, including his Jewish family's flight from Poland to Belgrade. But he also told people that he was arrested by the Nazis, sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, and met Mengele, the SS physician who tortured prisoners of the concentration camp. Hirt claimed to have escaped under an electric fence at the camp.

He added an extraordinary prologue and epilogue to the story, saying that he saw Adolf Hitler turn his back on Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, and that he met Eleanor Roosevelt and Owens after his arrival in the United States.  

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