Thursday, 30 June 2016

MERKEL’S WORST NIGHTMARE: Germany calls for Referendum as ‘people want to be free of EU

Express UK 


Far right figures in Alternative for Germany have promised to call their own vote if they clutch power in country’s general election in autumn next year. 

A party spokesman branded Brussels a “bureaucracy monster”, before adding: “Next year the AfD will enter the German parliament and Dexit will be top on our agenda”.

They called the vote a Dexit as it stands for a Deutschland exit from the EU.

Eurosceptism has swept across the continent after the people of Britain backed Brexit in the historic EU referendum on June 23.

Party leader Frauke Petry, who caused controversy earlier this year when she called on German police to open fire on illegal immigrations, reacted with delight at Britain’s decision to sever ties with Brussels.

She said: “This is the chance for a new Europe, one which maintains partnerships and respected national sovereignties.

“The Great Britain decision to leave the EU is a signal to the Brussels Politburo and its bureaucratic attachments. If the EU does not finally leave its wrong path, and the quasi-socialist experiment of deeper political integration, more European Nations will reclaim their sovereignty the way British are.”

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