Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Gaza Man Invents Solar Powered Water Purification Tank for War-Torn Town

The Mind Unleashed

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has left almost 90 percent of the water supply unfit for people to drink. Fayez al-Hindi has devised a homemade water desalinization setup that is helping to solve the water crisis, though, as some Gaza residents face running out of water in mere months. It runs on solar power and a little ingenuity.

Three years of jets bombing the Gaza strip have left the territory’s water infrastructure extremely unstable. Both reservoirs above ground and below have been damaged, so even when it rains, the water is often contaminated, and made unfit to drink. More than $34 million dollars’ worth of damage has been done to Gaza’s water infrastructure.

You would think that such massive-scale damage would mean that the residents are left hopeless, but not with a little sunshine and a desalinization tank. Al-Hindi’s solution to the water shortage in his area was to build a simple tank that separates clean water from salt and pollutants. The tank doesn’t do industrial-strength work, but it makes just enough water for he and his family to drink and cook with daily – about 2.6 gallons. His tank works without the use of chemicals, and simply utilizes the energy of the sun.

His device started getting a few nods, but people were concerned that the distilled water he was creating was not truly clean. Coastal Municipalities Water Utility tested the water from al-Hindi’s invention, and found that it was more than potable. A technician for the utility said the results were, “fascinating.” 

Read more (+video)

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