Monday, 15 August 2016

German President Booed, Attacked; Claims "The People Are The Problem, Not The Elites"

Zero Hedge 


Revolution is closer than you think...

Following Angela Merkel's earlier calls for German CEOs to hire refugees, and as Martin Armstrong notes, Germany has raided its healthcare funds to support the refugee crisis...
The government passed a law that allows them to take 1.5 billion euros from the liquidity reserve of the public health care fund (10 billion euros in total, paid by all members and additionally by the taxpayer) and to give that money to refugees / asylum seekers.

What would you call this? Insane?
We thought a reminder of the tensions that are bubbling under the surface in Germany.  
As VoxDay noted appropriately, Germany's elite is going to get a well-deserved one soon as German President Joachim Gauck was booed and attacked in the streets of Sebnitz, Saxony after he blurted out the following unbelievbable statement:
“The elites are not the problem, the people are the problem.”
Official German State TV and State Radio reported that "a handful of right wing extremists" have attacked the president and disturbed the otherwise peaceful and welcoming reception of the President. This is simply not the case, as seen in the video...

Read more 

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