Monday, 29 August 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Intimate Relationship with the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, The Shadowy Network of Super-Elites

Steven MacMillan
Global Research

It’s hard to think of a presidential candidate that has been at the heart of more scandals than Hillary Clinton. Each passing day seems to bring a new revelation which shines more light upon the corrupt and murky world that Clinton operates in. If Clinton is installed into the White House by the elite in the coming months, it will not only be the final death blow to the American Republic, but it will also drastically increase the probability that a major conflagration will occur between the global powers of the world in the near future.

Despite not being a big fan of Trump – due to the fact that I’m not convinced that he is an independent candidate, or that he is not a hawk himself – there is no doubt that Clinton will be a total abomination as President. In the majority of the mainstream media, there has been a clear propaganda campaign to demonise Trump at all costs, focusing the public’s attention on Trump’s antics rather than Clinton’s crimes. The real estate magnate is hardly a difficult person to ridicule, but considering the blatant crimes that Clinton has committed, she has practically been given a free pass by the mainstream media.

There is of course a very good reason why she has been given such a pass by the mainstream media: Clinton is the elite’s puppet of choice for President. Each passing day brings further confirmation of this fact, with her establishment backers including numerous Wall Street giants, the military-industrial complex, in addition to the likes of George Soros. On top of these interests, we can now comfortably add the infamous Rothschild banking dynasty to the list. As Zero Hedge reported in their August 21st article titled, Hillary Clinton Flies 20 Miles In Private Jet To Attend Rothschild Nantucket Fundraiser:

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