Sunday, 18 December 2016

Communication - according to President Trump

Thierry Meyssan

Our site, Voltairenet.org, has been proving for a long time that it is possible to communicate on political subjects without having to suffer the anathema of the major medias, Donald Trump has now taken the road we opened and that many others have also taken. If you want news about the next US administration, don’t read the New York Times, which wastes its time with caricatures, but Internet sites like Breitbart.com. The President no longer answers questions from the grand Press, but communicates on twitter.com/realdonaldtrump. 

The rules governing modern political communication were imposed by the United States, which until now were dominated by the Puritan ideology (politically correct expressions, public apologies for faults passing for absolution, belief in having been chosen by God to enlighten the world, separation between the WASPs and the minorities, belief in wealth as a gift from God to those who serve Him, etc.). By overthrowing the Puritan ideology embodied by Washington in general and the Clinton dynasty in particular, Donald Trump has also put an end to the current rules of political communication.

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