Wednesday, 21 December 2016

MSM #FakeNews Claims Civilians Committing Mass Suicide In East Aleppo After Syria’s Army Victory

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
If anyone needs an example of just why the mainstream corporate media is becoming more and more irrelevant by the day, one need only look at the coverage of the liberation of Aleppo to see why it must now rely on government legislation, hysteria, and panic simply to continue existing into the next decade.

Without attempting to provide a wide range of samples of stupidity and outright lunacy being peddled by the corporate press, one article stands out. “Aleppo: Cease-Fire Reached In Besieged Syrian City, Rebels Say,” by Alastair Jamieson and Mac William Bishop is a stunning display of unsupported and distorted information. The article repeatedly claims that Assad’s forces are focused on murdering innocent civilians, hunting them down in the streets and killing them, burning them alive, and ludicrously suggesting that many civilians are committing suicide en masse because of the Syrian military’s victory.

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