Eurocrats splashed out the jaw-dropping sum of money on programmes including combatting racism against migrants, bankrolling Government reforms and, perhaps most incredibly of all, directly financing national budgets.
They authorised 15 bank-busting payments to 29 countries in the space of just 15 days in December, embarking on a staggering splurge at a time when voters in Europe are suffering under crushing austerity regimes.
Astonishingly just five of those countries are ranked in the top half of nations in terms of institutional corruption, with most of them judged to be in the worst 50 globally. British taxpayers will be stung for an eye-watering £462,000,000 to pay for the projects, and could be required to carry on funding them even after the country has left the EU in spring 2019.
Critics today blasted the payments, saying the EU has "no right" to blow hard working families' money abroad and adding: "At Christmas we should remember charity starts at home."
Earlier this month, Brussels agreed to hand over an jaw-dropping £1billion to the African nations of Ethiopia, Niger, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal, which between them register an average ranking of 99 out of the 168 nations included in Transparency’s 2015 corruption index.Read More
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