Saturday, 9 December 2017

'Reporters Without Scruples’ fails to derail revelatory conference on White Helmets


Following unprecedented demands for censorship and attempted suppression of press freedom at the Geneva Press Club, the speakers and organizers of the ‘White Helmets - True Agenda’ event got police protection during the conference on the 28th November. 
According to its website, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is “the world’s biggest NGO specializing in the defense of media freedom, which we regard as the basic human right to be informed and to inform others.”

However, last week in Geneva the creators of the Predators of Press Freedom campaign rode roughshod over their own lofty mission statement. The Geneva Press Club (GPC) announced an event that would present the darker side of the Oscar-winning, multi-million-dollar internationally funded White Helmets, operating in Syria alongside Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) and other US Coalition-armed & financed terrorist groups.

The event promised to give a platform to diverging views on the role of the White Helmets, rarely explored by corporate media in the West who unreservedly promote this hybrid group of self-anointed humanitarians.

The event was entitled “They Don’t Care About Us – White Helmets True Agenda.”

Following the announcement of the event, GĂ©rard Tschopp and Christiane Dubois of RSF wrote to Guy Mettan, the head of the Geneva Press Club (GPC) accusing the author and Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman of Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, and another speaker from Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, of being Russian “agents.” My legitimacy as a journalist was questioned on the basis that I have not written for any “soi-disant” independent media (meaning MSM), but my name is cited over 200 times in the Russian media such as RT and Sputnik. A mortal sin by RSF standards who claim to uphold the Voltaire principles of my right to air my findings even if they challenge the corporate media status quo.

Tschopp and Dubois informed Mettan that the event would bring disrepute to the GPC and would force them to reconsider their membership. The event should be canceled according to these ‘defenders’ of freedom of speech.

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