Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Five Feminist Lies We Take For Granted

Pierre Lescaudron

"Sexuality is to feminism what work is to Marxism... the molding, direction, and expression of sexuality organizes society into two sexes: women and men. This division underlies the totality of social relations."

-- Catharine MacKinnon, Toward a feminist theory of the state

Catharine McKinnon, one of the founders of 'radical feminism'
Some years ago I began an unexpected journey down the feminist rabbit-hole. It was in 2014 when my Grandma asked me about the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest and I found myself unable to explain who the winner was: Conchita Wurst, a man who dresses like a woman and wears make-up, but sports a beard.

In hindsight, I realize this journey was a painful process, probably because it touched something deep in me. The data I discovered were in conflict with my protective instinct, something that is deeply wired in males. While females are hardwired to nurture and care, men are wired to provide and protect.

So when a man is exposed to victimized women (as depicted by the feminist narrative), it triggers his core instinct and social duty to protect. In addition, the instinctual hijack and deep cultural values tend to inhibit any proper intellectual functioning.

The above might be one of the reasons why the victimhood of women is so central to the feminist ideology. It might also be one of the reasons why so many men blindly embrace feminist narratives.

Feminism didn't invent anything by using the victimization of a population to further its political agenda. Long before the feminists, the French revolution was justified by the victimization of the 'tiers état' (the farmers), the Bolshevik revolution by the victimization of the proletariat, and the Nazi revolution by the victimization of 'Aryans'. But history shows that the revolutionaries, whether in France, Russia or Germany, never cared about the alleged victims. Each time the victimized population ended up in a far worse situation after the 'revolution' than before it.

The alleged victims are only a pretext to point the finger at oppressors (the nobility, the clergy, the Jews), destroy them and seize their rights and assets (leaving aside their duties), and that's exactly what we are witnessing today with the feminist movement.

We are bombarded daily by stories about affirmative action, women's rights, women's empowerment, women's initiatives, women's organizations, women's events, women's shelters, women's marches, women's safe spaces... all these political claims are based on one single foundation: the victimization of women, which is widely taken for granted. But does the victimhood Feminism proffers actually exist?

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