Monday, 12 March 2018

Theresa May says Russia 'highly likely' behind poison attack on former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter

Comment: Oh the shock! We all knew that this was going to be the outcome. And to think they were poisoned just down the road from Porton Down the infamous military base that has a lamentable history of chemical weapons experimentation and warfare. 

See: Secret UK army base analyzing nerve agent used on Sergei Skripal has long been Britain's most controversial military facility

What are the odds that an MI6/MI5 spy was used as a pawn in the propaganda war against Putin and Russia? Extremely high since this is part and parcel of black operations and state-sponsor terror. Putin is in a different league to these clowns and would never attempt something so obviously stupid, knowing it would illicit precisely the kind of BS that has nevertheless come his way.

Apparently they think all of the public will buy all this crap. And it seems they might be right on that. At least, if you're an Independent reader.


The Independent

Theresa May has said it is "highly likely that Russia was responsible" for the Salisbury nerve agent attack.

The Prime Minister has been been updating MPs on the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, following warnings from a senior Tory MP that the incident amounted to "state-sponsored attempted murder".

Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Tom Tugendhat said he would be surprised if the Prime Minister - who chaired high-level talks on the Salisbury nerve agent attack today - did not blame the Kremlin.

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