Wednesday, 30 May 2018

How Do You Know Who Your Father Is? Because Your Mother Told You So?

Tough Love and Common Sense

According to the American Association of Blood Banks, 30% of DNA paternity tests nationwide turn out negative. “That’s out of about 300,000 tests per year nationwide,” said Angelucci. “In raw numbers that amounts to at least 100,000 negative results per year in the U.S., and that’s only the men who get tested. So this is a serious, under addressed problem.
Paternity fraud occurs when a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, when she knows or suspects that he is not the biological father.

Most men and children who find out they are the victims of paternity fraud are devastated. Many times the children will become preoccupied with figuring/finding out who the biological father is. It's instinctual: We want to know where we come from. This is especially true when the child grew up believing someone else was the father, as they will often suddenly feel untethered to a parent they've always held so dearly.


Women who knowingly commit paternity fraud tend to specifically seek out "nice guys" who are family-oriented and trusting; The kind of men who are likely to still care for the child even after finding out the fraud that has taken place.

These women are often manipulative liars with no regard for those who will be hurt by such lies. Some of these women even swear to the alleged father and/or child that he is the real father, all the while knowing this to be false, yet hoping they are convincing enough to talk their way out of a DNA test, court proceedings and/or any other accountability or consequences for their choices.

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