Friday, 1 June 2018

EPIC: Actors Read The Real “Facts On FEMINISM” From A Teleprompter, Their Responses Are Priceless [VIDEO]

Lucien Windrich
Gateway Pundit

Conservative filmmaker and personality Austen Fletcher recently hired a group of actors to cold read a script from a teleprompter; they were told that they were being filmed for a short video on feminism… only the script contained the *actual* statistics and explanations behind many far left talking points.

Among the debunked myths is the notion that “Women earn 77 cents to a man’s dollar” – this is a bunk statistic that third-wave feminists become LIVID over when confronted on it (it’s almost as if they *want* to earn less). The truth of the matter is that all average earnings are the same between men and women but, among other things, men tend to enter into more lucrative careers, work significantly longer hours, chose more financially-minded majors in college, etc.

When contacted by The Gateway Pundit about his idea and motivation behind the video, Fletcher said “It’s really hard to change people’s minds, especially when they’ve reaffirmed their views over years and years. This project was meant to wake people up and shed some light on issues that purposely go overlooked.”

Spontaneity was key to the video project as he wanted to capture the honest reactions from the actors, “We wanted the actors to cold read these facts to get honest reactions. Most people were surprisingly open to what they read.”

Discussing how the left ritualistically twists facts and presents misinformation, Fletcher went on to discuss how important it is to stay informed and keep a skeptical mind when examining certain headlines: “I don’t think people follow politics/current events as much as they should. This is what the left capitalizes on. They manipulate the people that casually read headlines and try to make it feel like they are morally superior to conservatives. This needs to change.”

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