Monday, 11 June 2018

G6, G7, or G8? The Post War British Imperial World is Fast Disintegrating

Harley Schlanger

The British Empire's 20th Century world — often mislabeled the "American Century" — is crumbling so rapidly that even the BBC headlined its coverage today: "Has Trump Broken the Special Relationship?" The President held an impromptu press conference on the White House lawn this morning before leaving for the G7 meeting in Quebec, where he told the press that "Russia should be in the meeting...it may not be politically correct, but we have a world to run." The newly elected Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte immediately tweeted: "I agree with President Trump. Russia should be re-admitted to the G8."

French President Macron had yesterday essentially ruled the U.S. out of the G7, even before Trump's "sacrilegious" invitation to Russia. Macron said we can just get along as a G6, without the US, while German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the discord between Europe and the U.S. can no longer be swept under the rug, and Europe will have to seek new alliances. With whom, one must ask? 

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