Sunday, 10 June 2018

It's past time to get out of the mainstream media bubble

Bob Shanahan
Investment Watch Blog

 It's only getting worse amidst continuing Russiagate hysteria and has already begun to pop

Whoever controls the media controls the narrative. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. Media propaganda has reached a level we have not seen in our nation's history as wars are ignored, politicians destroyed, and truths distorted. But the American people want change and they got that in Donald Trump. Despite that, the media is still the same and is now as atrocious as ever.

"Those who report the news and shape public narratives are of particular interest to US oligarchs, who bought up the old media long ago and are doing everything in their power to secure influence over the new media as well," caitlinjohnstone recently wrote on Steemit. "Pundits like Joy Reid are some of their most valuable assets, and they protect those assets accordingly. Because whoever controls the narrative controls the world."

The media bubble is very real and it's only getting worse. Our major media companies consist of a cast of anchors and pundits suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. They got 2016 wrong and they are still getting it wrong, continuing to promote the baseless Russian collusion narrative while ignoring the many successes Trump has made in his first two years in office and failing to adequately cover much more significant stories.
Journalistic groupthink is the primary symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The media still cannot accept that they live in a world in which Donald Trump is president. The bias can no longer be ignored. The blatant Fake News is deluding the nation. And the deception has gone too far.

America is finally waking up as "Fake News" was named word of the year last year, defined by The Collins Dictionary as, "noun (feɪk ˈnjuːz): false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting."

Just look at where journalists and our mainstream media companies are located. Tucker Doherty dug into the statistics and broke them down against voting patterns and Census data for Politico to decipher exactly what the American media landscape looks like and how it has changed in recent years.

"The national media really does work in a bubble," the Politico piece reads, which is "something that wasn't true as recently as 2008." And this bubble is expanding and concentrating along the coasts. Journalists working in media today aren't just located in pro-Clinton country, they are in the most pro-Clinton counties in the country. Reporters and television pundits really are clustered in Brooklyn, DC and California. The numbers unveiled by Politico bear this undeniable reality out. It is no exaggeration. "Not only is the bubble real, but it's more extreme than you might realize," Politico points out.

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