Monday, 16 July 2018

‘Generation Zapped’ – a must-see investigative documentary on wireless, health and our children

This week I spoke with filmmaker Sabine El Gemayel about her new documentary “Generation Zapped”, which investigates the science behind the effect of wireless technology on the human population — especially children, with the proliferation of Wi-Fi in the classrooms. Watch the interview by clicking above (the trailer is at the end of the interview).

This is an inspiring, provocative and excellent film. It will give you the first-hand science. It will explain the bias and cover-up. And it will show you what you can do to protect your family. Every parent, educator and legislator needs to see it, and take some simple steps accordingly to protect the lives with which we are entrusted.

With what’s at state — especially as 5G is now being deployed despite there being very strong evidence it is harmful — this is perhaps the most timely documentary I’ve ever seen.

Where to watch Generation Zapped


Here are some links to where you can buy, watch or share Generation Zapped:
DVD ordering: bit.ly/generation-zapped-dvd Stream it on: iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo, Vudo, Steam, XBox and Google Play

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