Thursday, 4 April 2019

Gallup: Half of American Public Favors Independent Palestinian State


If Americans Knew 


Support for Palestine independence climbs to 50% for first time since 2012; 62% of Democrats favor an independent state, 33% of Republicans; 34% view Israeli-Palestine conflict as a critical threat to the U.S.

by Jim Norman, reposted from Gallup.com

[Editor’s note: this poll is just one of many that indicate Americans’ position on Israel is less enthusiastic than that of Congress.
  • A poll conducted just last fall asserted that 62% of Americans overall believe that the United States should not take sides in the conflict–which would translate into ending the massive aid to Israel; another indicated that fully 82% of Dems want the US to be neutral.
  • Another poll conducted last fall revealed that 38% of Americans believe Israel has too much influence on the U.S. government.
  • A poll conducted last month indicated that 75% of Americans are against anti-boycott legislation.
  • 60% believe our government spends too much money on Israel.
  • 45% disapprove of the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, while 49% disapprove of moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.]
For the first time since 2012, at least half of Americans favor the establishment of an independent Palestinian state “on the West Bank and the Gaza strip.” 

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