Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Green Like Astroturf: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Agent of the Globalist Conspiracy

David Livingston
Conspiracy School 

Global Warming: a whole lot of hot air As much as I hate to admit it, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a globalist stooge. And while that realization will certainly thrill his supporters, the case for Trump as a Russian agent is still an open and shut one. He represents the Old Right returning from the grave, resurrected by the same cynical, divide and conquer, Southern Strategy. But Trump is a nothingburger. He’s all bluster and no bite. The best he could offer was a tax cut to the rich, a promise of a border wall, and free rein for Israel. He drained the swamp only to replenish it with an even more unsavoury cast of creatures.

And when Trump deliberately mentioned the word “socialism” in his SOTU, it was as if it was intended to bring attention to it, helping to create the impression that it’s undergoing a resurgence. It’s a dialectic after all. Trump is the repulsive antithesis, a “blunt instrument” as Bannon the “Leninist” would have it, to corral the masses around a renewed Democratic agenda, that merely serves as a Trojan Horse for the globalist mission. On cue, Trump has even denied global warming. Maybe when he turned around to look for Nancy Pelosi’s approval, her odd clapping may not have been intended to be condescending as it has been assumed to be.

Is Trump in on the game? In June 2019, Trump tweeted that Ocasio-Cortez’s win was “a big one that nobody saw happening.” “So I’m watching television and I see this young woman on television and I say, ‘who’s that?’” Trump said during an interview with Bloomberg News. “Oh, she’s campaigning against Joe. You know who Joe is, right? Queens. Crowley. So, I say, ah, let me just watch her for a second… Tell him he's going to lose.”[1]

Ocasio-Cortez is the leading champion of the Green New Deal, in collaboration with a Rockefeller-funded left-wing astroturf advocacy group called the Sunrise Movement. A week after the 2018 midterm elections, climate justice group the Sunrise Movement organized a protest in Nancy Pelosi’s office calling on Pelosi to support the Green New Deal, one of several proposed economic stimulus programs in the United States that aim to address both economic inequality and, in particular, climate change. Their demands were that all members of the Democratic leadership in the House would refuse donations from the fossil fuel industry, and that Pelosi work to build consensus in the House over Green New Deal legislation to be passed when Democrats regain control of the government.[2] 

Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have voiced support for the plan. By December 19, 40 members of Congress had signed on to support the creation of the committee, including Representatives Jim McGovern and John Lewis, and Senators Cory Booker and Bernie Sanders.

The Green New Deal is exploiting the popularity of social democratic ideals as sugar coating to disguise the globalists’ poison pill. According to reporting by Inside Philanthropy, institutional funders made up about 55 percent of Sunrise Movement’s 2018 budget, which includes donors like the Rockefeller Family Fund, Wallace Global Fund, and the Winslow Foundation. The Wallace Global Fund was originally founded by former US Vice-President Henry A. Wallace. Winslow is run by Wren Winslow Wirth, who is married to former politician Tim Wirth.[3] 

SM was launched in April 2017 by six principal co-founders—veterans of the Occupy Movement—who had developed a friendship with Michael Dorsey of the Rockefeller-funded globalist institution, the Club Of Rome; Dorsey  was also a former Sierra Club board member, whom President Barack Obama had appointed to the EPA’s National Advisory Board in 2010 and 2012.

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