Thursday, 4 April 2019

Unvaccinated children ripped away from parents in terrifying late night SWAT raid

Dagny Taggart
The Organic Prepper

Warning: If you care about parental rights, this story will infuriate you.

On February 25, a pregnant mother took her 2-year-old son to the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine clinic in Tempe, Arizona because he had a fever of over 100. The doctor instructed the mother to take him to the emergency room because he is unvaccinated and she feared he could have meningitis.

The doctor called the emergency room at Banner Cardon Children's Medical Center in Mesa to let them know the boy would be arriving.

But after leaving the doctor's office, the boy showed signs of improvement. He was laughing and playing with his siblings, and his temperature moved closer to normal. Around 6:30 pm, the mother called the doctor to let her know the toddler no longer had a fever and she would not be taking him to the emergency room. 

In Arizona, parents may decline vaccinations for their child based on personal, religious, or medical exemptions, but the mother was still concerned that the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS) would come after her. One can't blame her for being afraid, as unvaccinated families have been targets of dystopian crackdowns and witch hunts of late. 

The doctor assured her DCS would not come after her. According to police records, the mother then agreed to take her son to the hospital.

This is when things took a particularly nasty turn, reports AZCentral:

About three hours later, the hospital contacted the doctor to advise her that the child had not shown up and the mother wasn't answering her phone, according to police records. The doctor contacted DCS. A DCS caseworker called Chandler Police and "requested officers to check the welfare of a two year old infant," according to police records. A caseworker said he was on his way to the house.

It was about 10:30 p.m. when two police officers knocked on the family's door. The officers heard someone coughing.

Officer Tyler Cascio wrote in a police report that he knocked on the door several times but no one answered. (source)
The police then asked a neighbor to call the mother to let her know they wanted to speak to her. Meanwhile, the boy's father contacted the police:
Police dispatch told the officers that a man at the home had called requesting that they call him. They called, and the man identified himself as the sick boy's father. The officer said they told the father they needed to enter the home for DCS to check on the child. The father refused, explaining that his son's "fever broke and he was fine," according to police records. (source)
Then things escalated.
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