Sunday, 21 July 2019

Arkancide? Murder of Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith linked to Epstein pedophilia and sex trafficking scandal


By NewsTarget 


New information is surfacing to suggest that the unsolved murder of Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith may be connected to the public unveiling of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his child sex trafficking ring. 


While the details are still forthcoming, CD Media is reporting that a “confidential source that has been accurate consistently” recently came forward with proof tying Collins-Smith’s mysterious death to her involvement with blowing the lid off an alleged child sex trafficking ring in Arkansas. 


Collins-Smith, a Republican, had also been working to expose “massive corruption in the local and state government” in Arkansas, which suggests that she may have been “Arkancided” for getting a little bit too close to the truth. 


According to CD Media‘s “confidential source,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is currently investigating this alleged link, which potentially also implicates Bill and Hillary Clinton, after which the term “Arkancide” was first coined. 


Is it possible that Collins-Smith is simply the latest casualty of the “Clinton Body Count” phenomenon, in which individuals who are on the verge of blowing the lid on some Clinton crime suddenly end up “suicided?” It certainly is, and this would seem to be where the FBI probe could be headed. 


As it turns out, Collins-Smith had been in the process of investigating corruption within her state’s Department of Human Services, or Child Protective Services, just prior to her death, which only adds to its suspicious circumstances.


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