Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Drag Queen Storytime: Convicted pedophile, dressed as a woman, reads to kids at public library

Comment: No, it isn't sensationalist right-wing propaganda - it's simply the truth. 

It seems LGBTQ folks are happy to ram their ideology down everyone's throats - including young children. Yet, they are not so keen on seeing the inherent hypocrisy that defines such actions.

If it wasn't bizzare enough already, it seems it's A-okay for a pederast/paedophile dressed as a drag-queen to take the role of story-teller....


Doug Mainwaring
Lifesite News

HOUSTON, Texas, March 19, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A pro-family activist group has uncovered the truth about the pedophile past of a drag queen who reads to young children at a public library’s “Drag Queen Storytime.”

Thirty-two-year-old Albert Garza is a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an eight-year-old boy in 2008, yet that has not hindered him from dressing in garish women’s clothing, calling himself “Tatiana Mala Nina,” and performing in front of kids.   

When the story broke, one news site suggested an alternative name for “Drag Queen Storytime,” with a headline that blared, “Pederast Story Hour in Houston.”

When the Freed-Montrose Public Library failed to respond to inquiries by Houston MassResistance, the activist group – which had been protesting the program – conducted its own investigation into the background of the drag queens as well as the way in which “Drag Queen Storytime” is conducted. They ended up compiling a detailed 163-page report, replete with disturbing photos, documenting “the lurid activities of some of these ‘Drag Queens’ who read to children, and how the library blatantly disregarded its own rules.”

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