Saturday, 11 June 2011

Help put this TV Ad on the Air -- Go to RememberBuilding7.org

Today the Remember Building 7 ad will begin airing throughout the New York Metropolitan Area on 15 channels including New York 1, CNN, MSNBC and Comedy Central, among others. The campaign will run 425 spots from June 6 to June 26, and is estimated to reach one million unique viewers several times each.

AND, later this week, Remember Building 7 will release the results of a poll conducted by the Siena Research Institute on what New Yorkers believe about 9/11 and Building 7. The findings of the poll indicate significant levels of doubt about the official account of 9/11 and substantial support for a new investigation of Building 7. Stay tuned for this important news!

Thank you for your tremendous support. The next few weeks promise to be another huge step forward.


The Remember Building 7 Team

For more details about the Remember Building 7 campaign, visit RememberBuilding7.org http://rememberbuilding7.org/

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