Friday, 10 June 2011

US congressman says Iraq should repay war costs

.After raping and tearing the heart out of the country, and after more than million dead civilians and future generations destroyed by depleted uranium and other conveniently forgotten "collateral damage"  he has the audacity to ask for repayments...The heights of Psychopathy once again..


A US congressman called on Friday for Iraq to repay a portion of the "mega-dollars" that Washington has spent since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003, at a news conference in Baghdad.

Republican representative Dana Rohrabacher's remarks stand in stark contrast to those by senior American officials, including most recently CIA chief Leon Panetta, who has said the United States should seriously consider any Iraqi request for US troops to stay beyond a year-end deadline for their departure.

"Once Iraq becomes a very rich and prosperous country... we would hope that some consideration be given to repaying the United States some of the mega-dollars that we have spent here in the last eight years," Rohrabacher told journalists at the US embassy in Baghdad.

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